Sunday, March 14, 2010

A pefectly " Rain"y day......

As you know the boys were in a parade on Saturday, we had fun but it unfortunately rained the WHOLE time. I was freezing, Tobey was very active a doing a scream the whole time (the one that starts the CSI Miami theme song, Lena taught him) and well let's just say this ....Autistic boy, does not care for crowds, and does not care for strangers. So, we will have him in a parade and wave to everybody. We finally got it down the last 5 minutes of the parade. He then went to the river and his paper hat flew in and made his day. It cracked him up for 20 minutes. We ended the experience watching these soccer guys who had way too much energy and a huge float with an elephant that gave Tobey the creeps, me too.

We then headed home to warm up and get ready for Eddie and my date night. I worked on this for a week, getting organized, trying to make it as easy as I could for the sitter, wearing out the boys and not letting them take a nap. I was starting to wonder if maybe the date night was getting to be more work than it's worth. After putting the kids in their pj's at 6pm and explaining everything in detail to the sitter along with a 7 page note, we were off.

First we went to The Emporium, it was awesome... we had never eaten there and the food was fabulous. We sat by candlelight and discussed politics because we thought that is what dignified people do at these places. Ed and I do enjoy politics even though I get my info from the news and Eddie gets his from Bill Maher and drive by media (Rush Limbaugh), it really drives me nuts. He will kill me for saying this, I am usually the correct one. Someday, he will come to my side. I have faith.

So then the highlight of the evening "RAIN", notice how I tied that together? Thank you God for the weather, I know it was all for the title of my blog. It was amazing....I literally was getting ready to jump out of my seat when the curtain came up. Now I know that this was not the Beatles, but for obvious reasons I will never see them. But they played like the Beatles and showed the history of the Beatles, and they honored the Beatles. What more could you ask for? It had a great media and light show and little fact here.... they have been together almost 3 times as long as the Beatles. They also played " Seargent Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band" live, which the Beatles never did. Now I am a John Lennon fan but the guy who played "Ringo" was flipping funny, really hard to take your eyes off of him. Then as if I was not happy enough ? Guess what song they ended on...Hey Jude! I was happy, we had a great time, but I was glad to get home to see my Tobey Jude.

The sitter did awesome and the kids all survived so date night 2010 was a success. I recommend it to any couple who are in need of a break even if you have to plan way in advance.

I hope everyone else had a great weekend too! And go see "Rain"!!!

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