Thursday, March 18, 2010

Not one of our best weeks....

Have you ever got a phone call that they start off saying "Are you sitting down?". It is very scary when it is from your child's Dr and it is right after you had blood work done. Well, that is what happened Monday. My Tobey is very sick and we may have to make some drastic changes in our life for his welfare. Yet again I had to ask my kids to put there life on hold to do what is best for one of their brothers and they have had to sacrifice so much already. Lena is turning 13 this weekend and instead of concentrating on that, we are almost in a haze trying to make life changing decisions in a matter of a few weeks. We are trying to approach this with humor like we do everything else, but after the kids are asleep it is hard to keep that going and Ed and I just sit in silence.

I am not trying to keep you in the dark, as you know I am very open about my life, but some people need informed so they don't hear about it through a blog.

I know God will be with us all through this and I know that we have support in our lives. We will be ok.

So keep the kids in your prayers and our poor Pastor who is probably dreading seeing my number on the caller ID and have a blessed day and I will keep you posted.

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