Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Yet another Autism Day...

It was just one of those days again that start out like any other. Except Alison was sick and running a temp, she felt fine by noon, amazing how that works. Anyway, Tobey came home from school and went crazy, I mean spinning, hitting, biting the whole 9 yards. He was trying to verbalize something to me, but when he is upset stressed or excited it is really hard for him. This only makes matters worse. I medicated him for a nap and it didn't take.

Edwin is very sensitive to the mood of the house and sensed chaos the second he walked in the door. He was then ready to battle Tobey and we had to separate them. After suffering through homework we got him settled with a snack. Then here it was 4pm and Tobey fell asleep, it will be a late night.

We are trying new recipes this week, just getting tired of the same old thing. Last night was Mexican Ravioli and tonight we had Beef and Asparagus stir fry. Yesterday's was the hands down favorite. Tomorrow I am making Corny Chicken Bake, I think that will go over the best. Edwin who thinks that the only edible vegetable is french fries has had peanut butter jelly sandwiches and cheese sticks for 2 nights in a row! It cracks me up when he looks at the food that we are having and then just says" grape jelly please". I have a feeling that if he moves out on his own, he will be fully stocked with peanut butter jelly fixings and cheese sticks. I have tried every trick in the book with him to get him to eat real food, not going to happen...I will keep up the fight though.

Lena is at youth group right now, Ann Lynn picked her up, she is a God send...literally. She is a designer being...remember that Ann? So thanks again!

Eddie works tomorrow and then a 3 day weekend! I hardly remember having a husband that does more than eats and showers here. Really looking forward to having him home.

Ok, I am going to do a movie review. I got the kids the movie Where the Wild Things Are. It could not even keep my attention and I wanted to sit down and enjoy a break. The kids were bored to death after 20 minutes. We didn't even finish it. Totally wasted money on that one, the previews were better than the movie. I will try it again this weekend since I own it now, but no promises that I will stay awake. Eddie started Amadeus last night, that is the best movie ever. That has been one of my favorite movies since I was 12. I wanted to name our first son Wolfgang but I was threatened by everyone. So we named him Ed, quite a difference. I have been told when we get a dog we can name him Mozart, so I 'll live.

That is all for tonight, have a good one!

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