Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Feeling a little guilty.....

Today is Olivia's program at Madison and I have to miss it, I feel horrible about it. Tobey is not handling crowds well, so I don't think that it is possible for me to take him, Emily and Melody into a crowded gymnasium and make them sit for an hour. I know that sometimes you just can't make it to every event in your child's life but, you still feel bad. I think I will surprise her with a special treat and give her some extra one on one time tonight.

So, Edwin was in a mood this morning, he refused to get up, or get dressed. I had to actually dress him like a 2 year old only to have him throw his shoes at me and scratch my arm. So, he gets no computer time tonight which I think punishes me more than him. Last night we were working on his spelling words, you have to put the word in a sentence. The word was "been", I said Edwin how can we put the word "been" in a sentence? He said " Edwin has been buying lots of guns." Not good. I don't think that the teacher has ever really read the sentences because he really puts in some questionable stuff. I am just waiting for Madison Primary to show up on the caller id on this one!

Lena is back to her joyful self so, I am back to the nicknames for her again, I have to admit I enjoy that a little to much. Bill Cosby once said "America is an amazing place but they just don't give you anywhere to send your teenagers to" . So true, so true.

We are going to do the funnest thing on Friday afternoon. There is this photographer that goes to our Church and I have been secretly stalking his work. He mainly does weddings and stuff like that, but he has got an amazing "eye". Now, the closest thing that we have to a real family picture is the one above. It is really hard to take 7 kids into Olan Mills to get a photo, especially with the boys, we have tried. So, I got a hold of this guy (thank you Facebook) and he is going to meet us at the park and take candid photos of us for a very reasonable charge. I simply cannot wait! I think that a fun one would be of the kids tying us up, we'll see. I will post them as soon as I get them.

Thanks to an amazing post that my Pastor did about our family yesterday I had messages today with people in our situation that want to meet me. I think I need to start a support group for parents of special needs at our Church or something... Just throwing it out there Sam...... I know that when I started down this path I felt alone and that no one else knew what this was like. I soon found out that I wasn't alone at all and how many people are right there with you. And some of the best advice concerning therapies and all the tricks of the trade come from the parent's who have done it, not the Dr.'s who see you for an hour a month.

Tomorrow is our BIG shopping day. Once a month I plan out a general menu and make a 2 page list of everything a family of 9 needs for a month. We will hit Sam's Club, Shelton's and Aldi's. I think that we will also go to Meijer's because they have Coke for $4.44 a case and shank ham for .77 lb. Eddie nearly has a heart attack when he gets to the register, but this really saves us lots of money throughout the month. Less trips to the store equals less money with the compulsive shopping, a trait that Ed and I both have.

Well, that is all for today! I hope you enjoy the sunshine!

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