Thursday, April 1, 2010

Last night.....

So I know at the ripe age of 33 that not everything goes like you plan it. Last night I planned on Tobey going to sleep within a half hour of medicating him, this boy takes tons of medicine that makes him sleep and nothing seemed to take. The boy was bouncing literally off the walls until 11:30.

Eddie decided that we would watch the Passion Of The Christ with Lena last night. About a half hour into it Lena decided that she was bored. I knew that she was getting nothing out of it when she kept saying that the guy who played Jesus was hot. She will probably kill me for that one! She then went to her room to escape with an episode of CSI Miami only to find out that Eddie wanted to have one of his world famous talks and lectures about maturity.

Olivia's play went great and I don't think that she will be in therapy too long for the fact that her parents weren't there. Eddie got her and Alison flowers to celebrate their accomplishments this week. Sweet, but the cats will probably drag them all over the house.

Edwin has simply decided that he is done dressing himself, he thinks that it is simply easier when I do it. I am curious what he will do tomorrow when he doesn't have to get ready for school. He may just try to live in pajama pants for the entire Spring break. On a side note I asked Lena what she wanted to do for Spring break and she said "Cancun". Yeah.... right, I am having a hard enough time trying to make plans for us to go to Michigan for a weekend this summer.

Two of my favorite shows are getting ready to start up this week. First off Deadliest Catch, I just love that show, Sig is awesome! He is really such a jerk at times but if you ever seen the episode where one of his crew had a death in the family, he just did everything in his power to get that guy back home. I also admire their work ethic, seriously the last time I put in a 30 some hour shift was when I was in labor with Melody. The other show is Little People Big World. This couple has defied disabilities and has manged to make quite a life for themselves. And they are dreamers, which I love! I didn't used to be a dreamer and this show has one wonders for me!

I am ready for some new shows, because American Idol is HORRIBLE this year, I have hardly watched since "Pant's on da ground" episode. Man I hope that I spelled that right. And my all time favorite show off all time " BIG LOVE" is done with it's season. I don't know if you have ever seen it but it is about a Mormon family that practices polygamy. There are some days that I am so tired with the house and the kids that sometimes I think that maybe they had the right idea, but I would only want them to help with the house and the kids. Eddie would be off limits.... so maybe that wouldn't work for me.

I hope that everyone has a great day! It is supposed to be 80 here....YES!

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