Thursday, April 29, 2010

Seeing a friends' rock bottom........

Today as I was doing my morning Facebook and Farmville (which I am starting to get sick of) I seen a friends post about her son being burnt on over 60% of his body and her request of prayers. Me, being deathly afraid of house fires did some investigating and found out that he was involved in a mobile meth lab. My heart just dropped, here is a young guy that may not make it through this because of drugs.

I then went to the news link to post a comment that I was sorry, you are in my prayers.... you know the words, the ones that you always say when you have no idea what else to say.... And there was all these negative comments towards this family, made me kinda mad. Who are we to judge and does this family really need this right now? They are scared to death that there son may die, they need love and prayers.... not " I told you so's" or "when you play with fire, you'll get burned". Don't people see that is what drives people further into drugs?

I have never done illegal drugs in my life (really), but I have been at that rock bottom where I can see how that can start. You know something happens....abuse, molested by a relative, a death of a loved one.... and you have a hole. And you probably can't face the day and you need something to get you through it, so you turn to something that will take the pain away. And then you can spiral, and things don't get better, so you do more drugs. It is just a cycle. I don't believe that they do drugs because they have this desire to lose control of their life, they are in pain and they need LOVE and support. They don't need our judgement and ridicule and stupid jokes at their expense. OK, sorry for the heavy start that was just on my heart and I needed some free therapy!

Tobey Jude is home sick, you know what's amazing is how when you wake them up they are too sick to get up... but after breakfast they have the energy to pull off all of your couch cushions and want to watch BOLT when The Bonnie Hunt show is on. Tobey is still talking some, I am now thinking and hoping that this is just the beginning of really getting to know this little dude that loves to torture our cats.

We have a busy weekend coming up, as usual! So tonight after the kids are asleep I may have time to get groceries, I have about a half of a gallon of milk..... so I need to go.

I have simply decided that Lena (aka the teenager) hates me. I now understand that I am solely here on this Earth to irratate her and make her life miserable, or at least that is her view. Yesterday was so bad that I told Eddie I think that if I get any food products from her for Mother's Day, that I may want CSI to come and test them out. haha! I think that part of the problem is that I was never really a teenager, and I didn't have a Mom at that age. When I was 13, I had to take my Mom's place in taking care of a home and helping out with my little brother. There was no dating, or hanging out. And, she wants to that stuff, which terrifies me. I know that I need to cut the cord and let her find herself, but how do you do that and keep them safe? Ahhhh the joys of parenting!

Have a good one!!!!! Holstein OUT !! ( I like that one, thank you Ryan Seacrest)

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