Thursday, April 22, 2010

An Amazing Family.....

I know a family,that is a shining example of how Christ wants us to live here on Earth. They are full of love and acceptance and happen to be one of the many people responsible for bringing me to God and see how awesome of a life that he wants for my family and I.

They are currently on their way to Missouri to adopt a newborn baby boy that has Down Syndrome, his name is Jonah Michael and I know that he will be a huge blessing to this family. They are in need of $14, 500 to adopt this precious boy, and they are halfway there! So, if you are interested.... here is the link My prayers are with you and your family.... and Angela in all your free time (haha) you should start a blog. And, if you have any questions about services... I am your gal!

Eddie is home today with a back issue, and starting to drive me a little crazy! He keeps playing the piano and annoying me, ahhh married life! The rest of the crew is doing great..... Lena was in a mood yesterday, but that's life with a teenager! Alison was very eager to please everybody yesterday even asking for extra chores, she wants something. Edwin is obsessed with a computer game that we only have a free trial of, so I will have to buy it for him this weekend. Olivia is doing well, she is so ready for a garden,,, but, with the lead we have to figure out how to do that one. Tobey is awesome.... but, when isn't he! Emily and Melody are doing great, they are the closest thing to twins that I have ever seen.... they even seem to be able to read each other's thoughts at times!

Well, that is all today, it is time for me to go and take care of the biggest kid... Eddie! Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Do container gardening! It won't be in the soil that is bad. And you can still grow a lot of stuff. I container garden just because the ground here seems to be just too dusty, and lacks nutrients. Good luck!
