Monday, April 5, 2010

A Very Long Weekend......

So, here it is Monday already, Eddie is home until Wednesday so I am enjoying having him here but my schedule is off.

On Friday we went to Sam's Club and spent way too much money! But I should be stocked up for the month, so that's a good feeling knowing that I won't run out of diapers or laundry soap. We then came home to doll up the magnificent 7 for their "photo shoot" at the park. All the girls were in hippy dresses and the boys were in polo's and dress shorts. I then had an hour and a half of chasing Tobey Jude. I jokingly asked the photographer if he was able to get any of Tobey running, I think they were all of Tobey running! Edwin took an Easter egg and kept hiding it for himself and finding it yet again with a believable tone of surprise in his voice, " Look what I found!". After the pictures we all went out for ice cream and Ed and I were officially exhausted.

Saturday I went Easter shopping with Lorrinda and actually got to eat a hot meal with no pops being spilled on us, or fights about who got the better place mat. We shopped for 7 hours and enjoyed every minute of it. We were actually complaining that we were making to good of time because we were not really wanting to go back home. Against my better judgement I came home to assemble baskets only to find that my family was able to function without me. The kids were dressed, house was clean and there was still 7 kids! He did good!

And then on Sunday, Easter Sunday I got up at 7:00 to get the crew looking perfect for Church. All the girls in their pink polka dot dresses, hair curled or braided. The boys in newsboys hats (Edwin hated his, I had to let him wear sunglasses to keep it on), cardigans with button down shirts and khaki shorts, they were looking good! We then got the honor of witnessing one of Sam's best services EVER! The band was great, the energy awesome, and the kids were a hit! We then had to leave a place where everyone LOVES us and head out to see our families (this is not there for humors sake only, even though it is humorous!). They just don't get us.....we simply don't fit in. I am not saying this as a put down on them, we just don't gel right. They don't get how we parent, or that Autism is a condition that the boys have, not an excuse for weird behavior or bad parenting on our part. Example.... Tobey talks to dogs more than he talks to humans, Edwin is more loving towards dogs than humans. So we are in the talks of getting a dog. My Dad said that we cannot take care of a dog....too busy, too much responsibility, there is a 100 different excuses. So here is what I told him... I handle 7 kids daily, I already have resposiblity, yes we are busy... I will give him that, but it will help the boys and the more that I do now to help the boys, the better off everyone will be. He then went on to tell me that I should just stop wasting my time on trying to " change " the boys all the time, simply infuriating! We then came home and went to Tippecanoe Place. We had a great time and the kids were really good there... tons of compliments. Edwin kept checking himself out in a mirror and making silly faces, it was really cute and didn't seem to bother anybody so I let him continue on. We finally came home ready to drop and realized that the kids had not found eggs yet, ( they got their baskets on Saturday due to chocolate and time restraints) and Eddie literally threw the eggs all over the house and yelled for the kids to come out of their rooms because the Easter Bunny had dropped the eggs. It was 8:00 at night. What do you want from us? I do think my over scheduling is getting to Eddie again. He simply asks me what he's supposed to do.

So that was the weekend, I hope everybody had a wonderful and blessed Easter weekend!

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