Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's only Wednesday?

So here we are halfway through spring break week and the kids are bored out of their minds. We have no fun plans until Saturday, I am not sure they will make it. They are currently watching the On Demand previews on God Of War and begging me to buy it.... I don't think so!

The pictures are online of us at the park, I will have Eddie do the copy-paste thing when he gets home so everybody can visit the website that they are on. The photographer (Eric Buscholtz) did amazing! There is a great one of all 7 sitting on this thing that looks like a toilet bowl, I believe it will be the new blog picture at some point! There is a ton of Tobey running because that is what Tobey does.

I got a surprise in the mail on Monday. It was an unmarked envelope with a note saying how much they loved the blog and in it was a gift card for Applebee's, I was in total shock! I did figure out who it was and I hope to see her at the Plymouth Wal- Mart someday soon, so thank you! I will use it on Saturday before we take the kids to the zoo. The force will be with me!

Eddie grilled out the other day and Emily wanted to go out. She asked me repeatedly and I kept saying no because it was raining. After about the 20th time of asking the same question Lena finally said " Emily what is your motive here? Mom is not going to say yes". Without missing a beat she says, "My MOTIVE is to go outside!". I thought I was going to die laughing.

I am still working on my Temple Grandin book, it is ironic because I need to read this to better understand my sons, and yet the boys make it very hard to read the book.

We are in talks of actually planning a family vacation next year, we have never had one because it just seemed like so much work and money to have one. I have seen the error of my ways and decided that we are simply going to make ourselves do it. We have figured up a budget and if the kids work with us I think we may actually be able to do this. I am already getting excited about it and Olivia is already asking a thousand questions.

Well, I suppose I need to get off... Edwin is staring me down! Have a great one.....

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