Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tobey's rough day.....

So, as you know if you have read old posts, Tobey has an aversion to water on his face. He has now gone to a whole new level. He was jumping as usual, and fell. He then started crying, and because his face was wet from tears, he started slapping his eyes. Now here is the crazy thing, Tobey for the most part is the most loving child I have ever seen. But, when he gets hurt and you try to love him up, he hits me. So, you just have to stand there (heart breaking) and wait it out. Only, he kept slapping himself. It was really frustrating and hard to watch. I called his doctor, but I think that even she is not sure what to do on this one.

Well, as you have probably seen, Melody has a mullet thanks to her sister Emily. They are going to the salon on Friday morning to hopefully fix it. I am taking Lindsey's advice and getting her a pixie cut. Emily also chopped off one side of hers, I am hoping that they can save some of the length on hers, she has never had it cut. I really loved her hair long! I know it is just hair, and someday I will laugh about it.... just not yet! Well, I laughed a little yesterday when I seen an ad for Joe Dirt on Encore.

Took Olivia to the Doctor yesterday, only to find out that we have maxxed out our insurance for the year already! It really doesn't take long when you have 7 kids and 2 with appointments ALL the time! We are going to try and apply for Medicaid because they now have no insurance, they wouldn't approve us before.

Lena and I have had a good week, I even spent some alone time with her and there was no door slamming. I am not naive enough to think that we have crossed a hurdle and will now be best friends, but I will enjoy it for now.

We had a Family meeting yesterday, we usually have these on Sunday's but some things needed approached. For one, the scheduling is getting out of hand and it is getting harder and harder to plan family events. Eddie's work is not anything that I can fix, he works a ton of hours! But, I do feel like we can make better use of our time when we are at home. So, we are redoing all the chore charts and such. I am also going to work on saving some money with groceries which is getting out of hand again with the diets that the kids have to be on due to lead.

So, that is all for today! I think that it is supposed to be gorgeous out, I hope that you can get time to enjoy it!

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