Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Last year we took the kids to several Silverhawks games and they did great, this year if it involves a bat....we are striking out. We bought these tickets from a friend at Church for a fundraiser that she was doing and for some reason I had it in my mind that the game was last Friday, she didn't give me the wrong date, I just didn't pay attention. So, we met my Dad in Plymouth to pick up a baseball glove for Edwin that has been in the family for years, came home got everyone dressed in baseball looking attire, went to Meijer's and bought a wagon which we assembled in the parking lot and headed to the game. We got there late... big shock! And there was no more handicap parking, they let us park in the press area which was awesome of them and free! We then went to the counter... somewhat in shame (Melody ripped our tickets) only to be told that the game date for the tickets is at the end of next month! I almost cried! Then being the awesome people that they are at the Silver hawks... they told us to just go in. We found our seats, put Edwin in an area to himself(crowd issues) and I sat with Tobey in the handicap seating to give him wiggle room. Eddie than went to the concession and got snacks, we sat down to watch the game (finally). And then Emily and Melody decided that they were not in the mood for baseball, Olivia wanted to play at the other end of the park, Lena is asking when we are leaving, Alison is talking to every stranger in the place, Edwin is breaking down due to crowding and Tobey is slamming his head into the bleachers! So after a 35 minute excursion... we accept defeat and go home! I simply had Lena make the crew pb&j and sent the kids to their rooms! We were simply done!

So yesterday, Eddie had his softball game. I had the crew ready to leave as soon as he got off of work. Unfortunately, the car decided to die! We finally made it, only to realize that I forgot the bag of jackets.... so we suffered through it, I am not sure if Eddie's team had a home run, but I do know that the game ended early due to some kind of mercy rule. So, it was not the week for baseball!

Church went great on Sunday and had tons of people telling us that our story affected them and that they still love us which was a great feeling. I was so scared ( with no reason) that they wouldn't love us anymore if they really knew us. Our Church is honestly the only support that we have. Even though the kids live close to their Grandparents, they hardly see them. So, before Living Stones.... we were really on our own up here. So glad that God put me in that Church, I don't know what I would do without them.

Last night we had a little party for the kids, just cupcakes and a craft. It was nice but I kept them up to late.... so today they are cranky!

Here is a quick update on some people that I mentioned in my blog, that are still in need of prayers....
The young guy that got burned in the mobile meth explosion is expected to make it, but has a long road ahead of him, both with medical and legally. They are leaving him in a coma for several more weeks and he has a ton of surgeries in store for him. I can't imagine what the family is feeling.

Little Jonah (the cute little guy adopted by Angela and Roger) is expected to be in the hospital for a little while due to some feeding issues. This family also has foster children at home and I am sure they are overwhelmed with the Mom staying out of state to be with little Jonah. I know with their spirit and God's help they will get through it!

So, have a great day everybody! Holstein OUT!!!! Still liking that one!

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