Monday, April 26, 2010

It is all coming together.....

Have you ever had that feeling that you feel like you are where you are supposed to be and that the plan that God has intended for your life is coming to fruition? I am at that point now....

This coming Sunday Ed and I are coming out of the closet, so to speak about our past... the life (if you can call it that) we had before Christ entered our lives. We are having a series at our Church about the second chance that God gives all of us. To be honest I am really nervous, I know that I need to do this and I know that it will help other people, but it is so hard to put yourself out there. I know how great the people (our family) at Living Stones are, and I know that they will love and accept us anyway, so here's hoping that this goes as well as I pray it will. I feel in my heart that this is the right time to tell our story. Oh, OK I will tell you what it is.... Eddie likes to wear women's clothing and I have an addiction to chocolate that has required therapy! Ha ha just kidding you will have to come to Living Stones this Sunday to find out! Isn't the anticipation killing you?

Well, the support group is coming along.... I think that it may be called Precious Stones or something like that, I just don't want it to sound cheesy. I am really excited that this may help out so many families in our Church and beyond. I have a ton more ideas that I want to get started at our Church but this is the one nearest to my heart.

Speaking of being near my heart, The Spier's who were mentioned in an earlier blog have OFFICIALLY adopted little Jonah! I am so happy for them! When I heard the story of how Jonah was turned down by 2 different families because of a disability it really upset me. But Angela ( his new Mommy) was just so happy that his biological Mommy chose life, I totally see things differently with that now! All I know is we have an amazing God who put all of this into place.

Sorry if I am getting a little preachy, it has been an emotional week! So, here is the kid news.... Lena is back to being the grumpy teenager, she is still with Gazer (God help me) ! Alison got some shocking news from a lady at our Church about her teacher that she LOVES, so that was an issue last night for her. Edwin is not wanting to eat anything but mac and cheese, I know that there could be worse foods... but this has got to change! I think that we may be looking at therapy for this. Olivia is making more plans for the garden, which we are planting Mother's Day weekend. Tobey ate a sandwich! First time ever, he usually just eats the meat and throws away the bread, so that's cool! Emily got booted out of Kids Kanyon yesterday, the kid is very cute, smart, funny... but she is a handful! Melody is making real strides with learning her colors and stuff, it is so exciting seeing how easy learning comes for her and Emily after having to work with Tobey so much!

Tonight is Eddie's first softball game, I wish we could go... but it is at 8:30 at night. So hopefully next week! He is calling himself a semi-professional athlete.... because he has to pay to play. Well, that is all for today! I hope that you have a good one!


  1. Just be yourself at the taping - it will be great. You have a powerful story. Thanks for being willing to open up and share with the entire community. Know that your words will touch so many people, in ways you cannot even imagine. In ways that only God will know. In ways that will move people to His purpose. You are loved by many - remember that with each breath you take at the taping this week!

  2. For the record, I have only worn women's clothing on a handful of occasions. If I were my wife, I would be more worried about the time I stripped for money...perhaps I've said too much...
