Monday, April 12, 2010

Ahhhh Monday.....

I knew that I was in trouble on Thursday when I was counting down the days until the kids went back, it finally happened today and I was ready for them to return! I think that I wouldn't have been quite so giddy for their return to school except that Eddie was hardly home due to work and the kids can't play in our yard yet. I am not brave enough to take the crew to the park by myself, so we mainly just stayed home during the week. I also had to miss Church on Sunday, so now I feel like I am on the wrong day of the week. Edwin is feeling the same way, he came down yesterday wondering why his clothes for Church weren't laid out.

I was really surprised at all the backlash for the group I joined on Facebook, I wasn't defriended by anyone yet, so I guess that I came out unscathed. Wow, people feel really strongly on that issue, I seen a fan page on flipping your pillow over to the cool side, I decided not to join, not worth the battle!

Eddie and I watched a documentary on HBO about Autism, it had Temple Grandin in it, so I had to see it. It focused on a mother's journey with her non-verbal autistic son. He was probably around 10, and really was about where Tobey is now. She lives in Iceland where there is not a ton of therapy for Autism, she flew him to California where she went to a place called HALO and they got him to the point that he could spell out words with a pencil and a print out of letters. The moment that got me was when he asked her if he could learn how to play piano, the look that she had on her face, was the look I had on my face when I started getting to know my son.

Eddie and I have been talking about the boys' future a bunch lately. Mainly because I am in the midst of filling out forms for the funding, (there is a 10 year wait!). We are pretty sure that Edwin will be able to be on his own or in a group home with some level of care. But, Tobey Jude was the toughie! If I put him into a group home with more care, like Hannah and Friends, I am a little worried that he may not feel like he's part of our family, I know this probably makes no sense. But, if he stays with us, I do not want to take away from his own life, and let's be honest here.... parents plan on their kids moving out when they turn 18 or so. I have dreamed about traveling with just Eddie some day, and just being a couple again. So I think that we have come up with the right solution for our family. Tobey will most likely stay with us and go to Hannah and Friends as a day program, because they are really great there, and I want Tobey to have his life, not a side note of mine. Ok, that was heavy....cute story time!

Eddie calls home everyday at lunch, to make sure I haven't gone crazy, so here is yesterday's call...when he talked to Tobey

Hi, Tobey! Are you ok?
Tobey then says " I am Tobey!" Just cracked me up, because he knew that his name wasn't "ok"!

Well, as usual on Monday's I have a ton of housework to do, I hope that everyone has a blessed day!

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