Saturday, April 10, 2010

One click of the mouse....

So, on Saturday before loading up the crew, I checked Facebook. Now I will be the first to admit that I am a slightly addicted to Facebook and I may need to get some therapy for my issue with Farm ville.

But, I am not going to talk about Farm ville, I am going to talk about a group I joined called Straights for Gay Equality, it got several comments and everyone is entitled to their opinion, so here is mine......

I believe that God does not make mistakes, I can say this a mother of 2 sons that have special needs. I believe that God in all ,his wisdom would not create a person, no matter how they may seem to be put on this earth only to be turned away from his love because of their sexual orientation. For me, I just love people.....what they do in their bedroom and with whom, is simply just none of my business.

I also believe that according to my personal beliefs and the Constitution that ALL people should have equal rights. I see nothing wrong with gay or lesbian partners sharing insurance or being able to visit each other in the ICU, as a threat to anybody , as some more conservative people do. As I said this is just my opinion.

I know that the Bible disagrees with homosexuality, but I also know that I should love ALL my neighbors. Where in the Bible does it say that we should be judging anyone, that is just not my place. Am I supposed to think that a murderer can asks for God's grace and forgiveness, but if you love someone of the same sex, you are NOT deserving of his love?

To those that say "you Christians", I do not believe in grouping everyone into one. We are individuals who are allowed to have our own minds. Christianity is not a cult where we must all wear potato sacks and bite the heads off of snakes.

We were made unique to glorify Him and to give our unique talents to Him. On my time here on earth, I want to love God and bring people to love God. Not turn them away in God's name, that was never his intention.

Now, this blog was never meant to be political, it was supposed to be about the crazy challenges that faces our family daily. But, this issue I feel strongly on.... and just so there are no more surprises here are more of opinions.....
  • Chocolate should be the official national food
  • Yes, it is ok to let your kids eat ice cream once a year for dinner
  • I am sorry to say that I let my kids have TV in their rooms
  • my husband is WAY sexy, he told me to put that on here!
  • I let my son believe he is Kratos, hey as I said we all are entitled to opinions!

So that is all for today, I am totally expecting this to open the floodgates, bring it on, I can handle it!

1 comment:


    Okay, I had to do that! Now for the real response.

    I am in total agreement with you my dear! As a member of two families that both have gays in them, I agree with all that you have said on that matter!

    And one the ice cream for dinner....I tried to get the kids to do that at dinner the other night and they had to order a real meal and then the ice cream!!!!! So, I can say that I offered an had no takers.
