Saturday, April 24, 2010

Support Group!!!!!!

For quite a while I have been wanting to start a support group for parents of special needs children at Living Stones, I finally talked to my awesome Pastor Sam....and it is a go! If anybody has ideas on how to make this work for them, I am all ears.

Here are my ideas....
  • I would love to meet on Saturday or Sundays, because it is really hard to schedule during the week with all the scheduling involved with special needs children... therapy, Dr. appointments, school stuff and well LIFE!
  • I am interested in having people come in and talk about services, or teacher's tell us about how to handle things concerning schools, or OT's telling us things to do at home... you get the idea.
  • I envision it as being a fun, positive environment... where it is OK to cry because you have had a bad day or week, we've all been there!
  • I want an open forum where we can tell each other about services and where to get the best price on weighted vests or ant other equipment that costs way to much.
  • I would like to figure out how to have a meeting going on for the siblings of special needs, they walk this road right along with us and they need an outlet too! If anyone has ideas on how to do this with childcare, please contact me!
  • Every now and then I would like to figure out how to have a parents day out, here is the scary statistic that if you have a child with Autism, you have an 80% chance for divorce. I attribute that to being so stressed out and child care being such an issue! If you are a single parent dealing with special needs, you have my utter respect and you need a break!

I am open to any and ALL ideas, so Facebook me with those and any questions that you may have!

I would also like to say that I have had this in my heart for a while and I want to do everything in my power to not only make to successful but to also make this a huge blessing to other families.

I hope that everyone has a great day, the hubby will be home soon from softball practice, and I am sure that he will need some babying after his hard day! Have a good one!

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