Monday, April 19, 2010


As always had way too much packed into a weekend, but got a ton accomplished. But, yesterday was like any other Sunday, until I seen someone from my past, a past that at times I wish I could forget. But, I would not be the person I am today, the mother I am today if it wasn't for this person. Of all places I seen her at Church, which I think all the blood drained from my face when I saw her. I regret now not yelling out her name and talking to her, thanking her for everything that she did for my family, no matter how painful it was to go through. I have a feeling that she reads this blog, and if you are Thank you, come to Church again, I would love to talk to you again.

Ok, now for the news of the crew...... Lena has a boyfriend, I am not making this up.... his name is Gazer, that's a new name for me.... it reminds me of the Incredibles. She has been in a better mood lately, so thank you Gazer! Alison is still bothering me about piano lessons, which I don't have the money to fix up a 90 year old piano, so that will have to wait... sorry Ali! Edwin has just been a cool kid this past week, he is coming out of his shell so much everyday. Olivia has put herself on a diet, which she is probably about 5 pounds underweight, so I am telling her that I have made a switch to lower fat cooking, (I know probably bad parenting again!). Tobey Jude has been amazing, he has started beat boxing and telling me no. By the way, he will not talk at Church, and I would like to show him off, irritating! Emily is glad they didn't have to cut much hair off of her, she was terrified at Great Clips.... gee Emily, imagine how scared Melody was when you cut all of her hair off, haha! Melody has very short hair now, we went to Once Upon A Child and loaded up on hats. She kinda has a Natalie Portman look to her now. She is cute enough to pull off the short 'doo, but I have called her Tobey a few times... my bad!

Eddie is up for a promotion at work, I am really praying he gets it. He deserves it and it would help us out financially and with schedules... so here's praying! Side story on Eddie.... Saturday he went to softball practice for our Church's team. Sunday morning he woke up and could hardly move. So, as he is slowly coming done the stairs, I am teasing him that he needs one of those staircase chairs like the guy does on Up, and he says... " Well, I didn't see you running up and down the steps the day after you gave birth!". What?!?! I had no idea that he had gone through labor and produced a human being yesterday, I thought he went to SOFTBALL practice! I was crying from laughing so hard!

Well that is all in Holsteinville, have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Ali could start piano lessons on an electric keyboard (even a $10 one from WM) and a few music books--The Music Tree ($5) comes to mind as a great way to start and she could probably teach herself at first.

    I started out teaching mine piano on a keyboard and I don't know if you're musical, but I know Ed is because we went to IUSB together as music majors... :D (This is Bonnie, btw.) Good luck! (And tell Ed that one night of softball does not equate to giving birth. Ever. ;) )
