Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Edwin Jesse....

Everyday like clockwork I lay out Edwin's stuff for the day. Now, I know that he needs to do this on his own.... but, when you have 7 kids, there is no time during weekday mornings to fight with the crew. I usually check to see if he has put on all the items, but today Olivia and Emily are sick. So, after making sure that he had his backpack and favorite sweatshirt I sent him off to the bus. Only to walk into the livingroom to see his shoes! I honestly don't know if he has shoes on! He doesn't seem to understand like most Autistics what is normal and what is not. On Saturdays I allow him to get himself ready and he comes up with some unusual combinations like.. a skirt and Notre Dame shirt, or Melody's stretch pants and a Tinkerbell play top. It is kinda our Saturday morning thing to see what he comes up with. So, I swallowed my pride and called the school to see if he wore shoes, this is probably the talk of the day in the office and may be a first there. I am waiting by the phone for their call....

Olivia has pink eye and Emily a fever, both are medicated and resting now. Poor Melody is looking like a lost puppy with no one to play with. Everyone has been healthy the last few weeks (except lead poisoning) so I guess it was due.

Eddie's softball team lost last night, he took it well. He was like a little kid telling me about it. He was never on any kind of team before and I think that he is really enjoying it. He took the 4 oldest to the game and they had a great time. Next week we are all going so that should be fun!

Well, that is the news at Holstein Central for the day.... Holstein OUT!!!!

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