Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bad mood Thursday....

Everybody woke up cranky today, even Eddie and if you know Eddie he is hardly EVER in a bad mood. He is upset about the concert tonight and now simply doesn't want to go. Lena being a teenager is mad at the world! Alison was mad that she didn't have time to draw today before school. Edwin was mad we had school, he even tried to convince me it was Saturday, Olivia who I caught on the computer at 2:30 this morning was understandably tired and not in the mood for school. Tobey was happy but in the minority, obviously. Emily snuck toothpaste in her room last night and woke up glued to her pillow. I think after this week we are going to do intensive room checks on her room! And, Melody is not feeling so great. Me? I am the mother and not really allowed to be in a bad mood, even though they are trying to ruin my mellow!

Tobey is making some real strides with talking, but I am needing to force it out of him, by making him repeat things back to me and making him tell me what he wants without depending on any aids, he is getting irritated with me, oh well. I was talking to Eddie and I was wondering where that line is of encouraging your kids to do their best, but not making them miserable by always demanding better. This is not only for the boys but for the whole crew. I know that Lena wouldn't have skipped a grade if it wasn't for me pushing her, and Tobey would probably not have what language he has if I wouldn't make him. But, I don't want to be the Mom who's kids don't think that they are good enough. I probably went off on a tangent there, sorry.....

The girls are getting their hair fixed tomorrow, poor Melody keeps putting a hat on after seeing the damage, I am going to end up with a 2 year old with self esteem issues! We are checking out preschools next week for them, whatever will I do next fall with no one at home for a couple of days a week? Have bon bons? Take up a hobby? Oh, the choices are endless! I will probably just sleep and play Farm ville.

Well, that is all for today! Have a great one!

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