Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Feeling a little guilty.....

Today is Olivia's program at Madison and I have to miss it, I feel horrible about it. Tobey is not handling crowds well, so I don't think that it is possible for me to take him, Emily and Melody into a crowded gymnasium and make them sit for an hour. I know that sometimes you just can't make it to every event in your child's life but, you still feel bad. I think I will surprise her with a special treat and give her some extra one on one time tonight.

So, Edwin was in a mood this morning, he refused to get up, or get dressed. I had to actually dress him like a 2 year old only to have him throw his shoes at me and scratch my arm. So, he gets no computer time tonight which I think punishes me more than him. Last night we were working on his spelling words, you have to put the word in a sentence. The word was "been", I said Edwin how can we put the word "been" in a sentence? He said " Edwin has been buying lots of guns." Not good. I don't think that the teacher has ever really read the sentences because he really puts in some questionable stuff. I am just waiting for Madison Primary to show up on the caller id on this one!

Lena is back to her joyful self so, I am back to the nicknames for her again, I have to admit I enjoy that a little to much. Bill Cosby once said "America is an amazing place but they just don't give you anywhere to send your teenagers to" . So true, so true.

We are going to do the funnest thing on Friday afternoon. There is this photographer that goes to our Church and I have been secretly stalking his work. He mainly does weddings and stuff like that, but he has got an amazing "eye". Now, the closest thing that we have to a real family picture is the one above. It is really hard to take 7 kids into Olan Mills to get a photo, especially with the boys, we have tried. So, I got a hold of this guy (thank you Facebook) and he is going to meet us at the park and take candid photos of us for a very reasonable charge. I simply cannot wait! I think that a fun one would be of the kids tying us up, we'll see. I will post them as soon as I get them.

Thanks to an amazing post that my Pastor did about our family yesterday I had messages today with people in our situation that want to meet me. I think I need to start a support group for parents of special needs at our Church or something... Just throwing it out there Sam...... I know that when I started down this path I felt alone and that no one else knew what this was like. I soon found out that I wasn't alone at all and how many people are right there with you. And some of the best advice concerning therapies and all the tricks of the trade come from the parent's who have done it, not the Dr.'s who see you for an hour a month.

Tomorrow is our BIG shopping day. Once a month I plan out a general menu and make a 2 page list of everything a family of 9 needs for a month. We will hit Sam's Club, Shelton's and Aldi's. I think that we will also go to Meijer's because they have Coke for $4.44 a case and shank ham for .77 lb. Eddie nearly has a heart attack when he gets to the register, but this really saves us lots of money throughout the month. Less trips to the store equals less money with the compulsive shopping, a trait that Ed and I both have.

Well, that is all for today! I hope you enjoy the sunshine!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Booga Man!!!!!

Today I awoke Edwin up with love and kisses, a rousing rendition of The Beatles " They Say It's Your Birthday". He looked at me and said "I Not" he only saves this response for when he is really irritated with you. He then informed me that he doesn't need to go to school today because of his birthday. I explained that the school had to put his birthday and Good Friday together and he will have Friday off. Is it good mothering to lie to your child? No, but that is not an issue that I wanted to open up so early in the morning.

Tobey has started making this really weird noise and he saves it solely for Edwin. Edwin then threatens to kill Tobey and begs me to get rid of him. Now, my first thought is to call the Dr. and get some advice on how to control this problem. I was told very sweetly that yes, they are Autistic but they are still boys and this is normal. I think that I forget that sometimes, I don't really understand "normal" boy behavior. I'll learn one of these days.

I think that we are going to have a low key party for Edwin on Friday night, a huge deal would do nothing but upset him and then what is the point of giving him a party. Some things that are normal for other families just aren't for a family that has an Autistic child or 2. A mall trip is not enjoyable for them... weird smells, bright lights and crowds are not as appealing to Ed and Tobey. I think that is one of the toughest things about having kids with disabilities and totally "abled" kids. It's hard to figure out how to make things normal for the girls without torturing the boys. So our trick is try to not plan the really hectic stuff on the weekends if you don't have too.

We figured out how the Easter Bunny can hide eggs, I am going to put a tarp on the living room and dining room floor, it will look crazy I know. But, until I get the lead levels lower it will suffice. I am sure that the kids will remember the year that Mom put plastic on everything for the Easter Egg hunt.

I wanted to take a moment and thank everybody for their comments, either on here or on Facebook. They mean so much to me and I love looking at them especially when I am having one of those rough days. I had several messages today alone with people telling me stories about my Mom and that meant a lot. I had no idea that anyone would even read this... so thanks!

I hope that everyone has a great day!

Monday, March 29, 2010

March 30th....

So tomorrow is March 30th and it is a day that is bittersweet for me. On March 30th, 1989 I was staying with my Grandma Sims because yet again Mom was in the hospital. I remember them telling us that she was fine and not to even put a lot of concern in finding my Dad who was a truck driver on the road to St. Louis. And then at 7:38 the phone rang and I heard my Grandma say thank you for everything that you have done, and I knew that my Mother at the young age of 34 was dead. She was a diabetic and did not take care of herself, I think that she thought she was invincible.... she was not. I didn't know her that well.... she liked to dance, she was very creative, loved animals, and the mother of 2. I was not that close to her and blamed myself, now that I have a daughter the same age that I was I realized that is how things go at that age, I no longer blame myself. In my family, when you die you are no longer talked about except on the anniversary of that persons death, which I now see as really odd. So every year on March 30th, we would go out to the cemetery and have this day of mourning, you were to have no fun or laugh, just mourn.

And then came March 30th, 2001 and of all the days that was when Edwin came into the world, my family was devastated. But I felt that this was a sign that the mourning needs to stop, a sign from God that life goes on. (By the way Melody was born on the anniversary of my Grandma Sims' death, I don't believe that was a coincidence) So much to my Dad's dismay I am going to just enjoy Edwin tomorrow and not just live in the past. It is not that I don't miss my Mom, I do she was my Mom. But Edwin is here now and and I am going to have fun and laugh and enjoy this gift that I was given of a new outlook on March 30th.

Ok so that was heavy, but I am glad that I got it out there.

So, it's Monday and the quietness is here. Emily is sleeping in and Melody is watching Max and Ruby. The weekend was great, watched 2 movies that were awesome. First off we watched The Blind Side. It was really good and it makes you look at people differently, with less judgement, something that I am going to conquer. You feel like you could defeat any obstacle after watching this... the human spirit is an amazing thing. So you just have to see it, there was some language that shocked me....especially considering that I picked it up at the Family Christian Bookstore, but it just wouldn't have been authentic without it. Then last night we watched Law Abiding Citizen, really twisted, graphic and full of gore. I really like those movies too, and Gerard Butler sweetened the deal, it is NOT a family movie, so put the kids to bed and make sure they are asleep before starting it.

We were supposed to go to Chuck E. Cheese, sometimes things aren't feasible when you have a large family, like getting a table at such a fine establishment as Chuck E. Cheese. The crowd was tremendous and the boys were freaking out, so we went to Mega Play. The kids had a good time but I am officially sick of pizza. I also realized that if a family member asks to watch Tobey for a few minutes and they are not used to Tobey....Don't let them have Tobey! They lost him and I nearly had a heart attack. It was only 5 minutes and at seemed like I was in hell. I do not blame the family member, I blame myself on that one. I also have the ideal story to remind Eddie of when he tells me that I am too over protective of Tobey Jude.

Tobey's injury is doing better, he is now trying to hit people with his bandaged hand so that is a good sign. Lena got a cell phone yesterday, little nervous about that one, but she is pretty mature for a 13 year old, dating is still not going to happen for a while no matter how much she asks. Alison is ready for Easter, I don't know if it is just my kids, but they are making lists for the Easter Bunny like he is Santa or something. Edwin the soon to be 9 year old has informed me that he wants nothing but Star Wars stuff for his birthday. I am going to have to let the resident nerd of the household (Eddie) shop for that one, I don't even know if Spock is in Star Wars or Star Trek. On a side note whenever Eddie (hubby) makes these really dorky jokes about Star Wars or Star Trek to one of his friends I just shake my head in disbelief that he is even married, like maybe he was supposed to be one of those guys who like has online girlfriends and pen protectors. I hope he isn't reading this..... Olivia is working on planning another birthday party for her doll, I think she is like me, that when she goes through a stressful time, she needs to plan something. So I will just let her go with it. Emily FINALLY "received"her blood in the mail, she is doing better, but still shows me the fading bruise daily. And Melody is now saying the cutest thing now... she puts her forehead to my forehead and looks up at me and says "Wub you". Ohh, in 10 years she will be getting a cell phone.

Well I hope everyone has a blessed and stress free day, I am hoping that for myself also! Have a good one!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Well, we are probably not moving now! Huge relief! Our landlord is going to do everything in his power to make the house lead free for our family! It is already feeling like home again. So now I am going to do a blog that doesn't not talk about that pesky metal.

The kids are getting so excited about Easter, I am still not sure how we are going to do an Easter Egg hunt, hopefully the bunny can figure that out. I have no idea.... Tobey is home from school today because he cut his finger and after the ER trip, we are all tired and I don't want to be stressed worrying about him re injuring at school. He is driving me crazy right now, so that may have not been my brightest decision, I blame it on no sleep.

So now that there is less stress in the house I am making all our plans for Easter weekend. On Friday we are going to take the kids to the farmer's market in Elkhart, which I love. We are then going to watch The Passion of the Christ movie with Lena, she has never seen it I think she is ready for it now. The littler kids are going to watch Prince of Egypt in Alison's room. And then on Saturday I am going shopping with Lorrinda and out to lunch which means I get a break!!! Saturday afternoon we are going out to visit family and decorate graves, I know the latter sounds depressing but you still have to do it. And then on Sunday we are going to Church with the girls all in matching pink polka dot dresses and the boys in cardigans and newsboys. Somehow we need to decorate eggs, have a hunt, assemble baskets, clean carpets and start painting too, so if we don't sleep.....we can get it all done! Eddie has 5 days off so I think we have a chance of achieving the impossible.

We had to have a talk with the kids last night about compassion last night, I don't think they get it sometimes, not sure if any kids do. But when Tobey got hurt, I was asked what we were having for dinner..."Pizza" what kind? " I will get cheese Ed" Can I go on the computer? "Well, let's make sure Tobey's finger is still attached first" Have you seen my backpack? " It is where you left it, I don't use a backpack anymore". So as you can see this topic needed some attention. Oh by the way this all was within a minute and a half of Tobey getting hurt. Eddie being the great husband he is brought home chocolate for me, I know this man loves me! So just in case the talk didn't work, they are grounded for the weekend from the computer. Edwin will be catatonic by Sunday.

Ed and I are going to watch The Blind Side tonight. The commercial alone makes me tear up so it should be good. Here is a funny thing about me, I don't like football really (except I watch Notre Dame, it's just cool that we live so close) but I LOVE football movies...Radio, Rudy,We Are Marshall, Friday Night Lights... go figure. Now my husband LOVES anything football, much to my dismay. I told him that if he wanted me to keep watching the games with him, that he would have to watch Steel Magnolias, he hasn't asked me since. Just a little trick for all the football widows.

Well that is all for today, the Tobey is home and well I have been on for 10 minutes. Have a good one!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Feeling better...

Even though it is raining outside and I am out of my much needed Coca cola fix, I am feeling positive today. I have grieved for the situation, seen that things could be worse and feel more ready to tackle this head on, unfortunately my husband is the opposite. He'll come around, he is just not use to tons of stress at one time which is why him only having 1 day off this week will be good for him.

Emily and Melody's scores came back yesterday and they are testing at a 4 on the lead scale, they have some but it is not threatening to them in any way. Emily is convinced that they took ALL of her blood and for some reason thinks that she is getting it back through the mail, every day she helps me check. Melody is still enjoying showing us the spot where this traumatic event happened. They are currently watching Dora the Explorer, they actually do what Dora asks which cracks me up.

Edwin is turning 9 on the 30th, so Eddie's parents are going to treat us to Chuck E. Cheese after church on Sunday. We will have to make 2 cakes though since Lena's birthday kinda got looked over with the lead thing. The kids are really ready for a break and so are we!

Alison will be getting a citizenship award next week and she is so revved up about it. She is such a sweet kid. For example she is so nice to the lunch ladies at her school they buy her gifts, and even made her something for her birthday. Olivia has a play next week, she is nervous. She also has to get blood work done for the lead and several other tests. So I am not expecting a pleasant child.

Tobey Jude is not liking all the changes (surprise, surprise) and will really not like tomorrow when we go hard core on the diet. He will live, he just may hate me for a while. He has started asking questions in his own way.... He'll say " Cat.......yes?" or "Pop....yes?". That is huge for him! We have a hope that when his levels come down we may get more language from him, the nurse said that there is no guarantee, but I am praying for it.

I had a family member say to me the other day " Do you think that things would be better without Tobey?" I don't think that they meant for it to come out that way, but here is what I wish I could have said had I not been so dumbfounded. No, I cannot imagine that anything could be better without him, Tobey has changed me for the better, I am a more patient person, I take nothing for granted, I love on a higher level because of him ( I am not sure how to word that, so just go with it). And he has changed everyone in our immediate family for the better. Does it suck at times? Yes, but that is about 1% of the time and the rest makes up for it. It is not always fun trying to figure him out, dealing with meltdowns, trying to get him to eat foods he doesn't want ( eggs are the current horrid food). But I know that I would not have a ton of people in our lives and things that we have got to do if it wouldn't have been for both of our boys. So there, I am done with the rant of the day.

Well that is all for today and if anyone has ideas on how to have an Easter Egg hunt that does not involve outside or carpets, I am all ears. This one has got me stumped. Have a great one!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Here you go....

Well the health department was here yesterday, and first off let me say that they were 2 of the nicest people that I have met in a while. They were so understanding of our situation and did such a great job answering a nervous mother's 1000 questions.

We get the official report in 2 weeks but the house did test positive for lead in the inside and the outside. I am not real sure what our next step is,but this is not a safe home for Tobey Jude and I am a wreck watching him be here.

We took Emily and Melody to get there blood tested and they did great, especially Melody, the baby of the family was a trooper.

We are having to take special precautions with the house. We have sealed all the window sills with duct tape, no shoes are allowed in here, Tobey cannot be in the room to vacuum, low-fat diet with extra dairy, no crawling on the floor and wash your hands every time you even pick up a toy, wash all the toys, use cascade to wash the floors, no playing outside or picking flowers, and when we are outside with Tobey it needs to be in a newer area away from any major roads. Any thing that has touched the floor (like clothes) cannot even be washed with Tobey's. Besides that same old, same old. haha

The hope is that if we are perfect lead levels will not go up until we figure out a permanent solution. Right now we are praying that the other kids levels stay below 10, that is the magic number that tells us how drastic the treatments have to be.

We are doing everything we can to remain positive but the extra work on a family that is already so busy with Autism and 7 kids is nuts! I am waiting for TLC's phone call. Oh man we don't have any little people, well there goes that idea.

Just so you know Tobey is oblivious to anything going on, he is playing and jumping and not acting too sick at all. I talked to his teacher today and he is still doing well in school. I did take away her teacher of the decade award though, she sent Tobey home in a flowered weighted vest. I did not know until we took his coat off in public. He is studly enough to pull off a flowered vest though, if I may say so myself.

The rest of the crew is handling this well too. They are laughing and crying right along with us and not treating him any different. We have given him a new nickname Pb J. Pb is the atomic symbol for lead and J is for Jude, and he likes the sandwich so that works!

Just so nobody thinks that I am handling thins perfect this is what happened this morning. I made pork roast and put it in the crock pot lovingly adding carrots, potatoes and onions with spices. Made a comment to Emily that we are on the ball today. Went to the kitchen at lunch and noticed that I had forgotten to turn it on. Still time to fix it so I turned it on, knowing that dinner was taken care of. Went to the kitchen to get the little ones a snack and then realized that I had never plugged it in. So dinner will be served at 8 tonight along with fresh baked bread that Tobey flavored with coffee. At this point I am not going to fight that battle, who knows it may be good!

Have a good one, and if you are even in need of answers to your burning questions about lead, I am your go-to person. Have a good one!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Patiently Awaiting.....

I am currently getting everything ready for the Health Department to come over tomorrow to tell us if we need to get out of dodge.

The problem that I mentioned so vaguely in my last blog is that Tobey Jude has severe levels of lead in his little body. He is at a level of 23, which you want a level of 0 or 1. Edwin is at a level of 7, and we will get the rest of the kids tested this week and find out the results in 2 weeks. Tobey will need a lot of medical attention which I just hate because he already gets a lot of medical attention. This 5 year old, 35 pound boy endures more therapy, appointments, etc. then anyone I know and just carries on always with a smile on his face. He is currently watching animals on TV with his Dad, hopefully getting ready to doze off. The thought is that it is being caused by our home, which I am not thrilled about the possibility of moving. We love this house but we have to do the right thing for Tobey, and this is not a safe place for him. They are saying that this is not even a safe neighborhood for him with all the historical homes.

I am panicking seeing him roll around on the floor, playing in the tub, running around the yard. I "see" lead everywhere. We are taking every precaution we can, but I feel like it is not enough. Now, before you lose sleep over your home, Autistics are prone to lead don't go panicking yet.

I went to Edwin's IEP meeting on Friday and we finished in 2 hours ( a record for us) and this was the first time that it was an easy meeting about Edwin. He is doing so well in school, already reading at a 3rd grade level and he is in 2nd, I don't meant to brag but we were told at one time he would not ever be in a regular class. HA!

We took the kids to the park and the three youngest had real ice cream cones just like the big kids, we then had to wash all the car seats. Totally worth it, Emily talked about it for an hour.
Saturday we spent the day doing housework and watched Funny People, which was ok. Ed liked it, so if you like his sense of humor you will probably enjoy it. Sunday we went to church and we were both in Kids Kanyon. I really enjoy being there with him, he is a blast to watch with all the kids.

Lena is officially 13 now, we are all praying for our welfare that she will not try to kill us with attitude, so far she is in the Birthday glow and has been happy this week. We went to the mall with some friends and I kept the typical parental distance behind her as to not cause life long embarrassment. You start to feel old when you see your kids act towards you the same way that you acted towards your own parents. I still feel like this should be easier for me since I am not nearly as uncool as my parents. Here is an example of how uncool my father is, he took me to see Bobby Vinton when I was 13. BOBBY VINTON!!!!! The blue velvet singing guy, now I have that song in my head.

Well that is all for tonight, I hope everyone has a great week! And I will keep you updated.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Not one of our best weeks....

Have you ever got a phone call that they start off saying "Are you sitting down?". It is very scary when it is from your child's Dr and it is right after you had blood work done. Well, that is what happened Monday. My Tobey is very sick and we may have to make some drastic changes in our life for his welfare. Yet again I had to ask my kids to put there life on hold to do what is best for one of their brothers and they have had to sacrifice so much already. Lena is turning 13 this weekend and instead of concentrating on that, we are almost in a haze trying to make life changing decisions in a matter of a few weeks. We are trying to approach this with humor like we do everything else, but after the kids are asleep it is hard to keep that going and Ed and I just sit in silence.

I am not trying to keep you in the dark, as you know I am very open about my life, but some people need informed so they don't hear about it through a blog.

I know God will be with us all through this and I know that we have support in our lives. We will be ok.

So keep the kids in your prayers and our poor Pastor who is probably dreading seeing my number on the caller ID and have a blessed day and I will keep you posted.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A pefectly " Rain"y day......

As you know the boys were in a parade on Saturday, we had fun but it unfortunately rained the WHOLE time. I was freezing, Tobey was very active a doing a scream the whole time (the one that starts the CSI Miami theme song, Lena taught him) and well let's just say this ....Autistic boy, does not care for crowds, and does not care for strangers. So, we will have him in a parade and wave to everybody. We finally got it down the last 5 minutes of the parade. He then went to the river and his paper hat flew in and made his day. It cracked him up for 20 minutes. We ended the experience watching these soccer guys who had way too much energy and a huge float with an elephant that gave Tobey the creeps, me too.

We then headed home to warm up and get ready for Eddie and my date night. I worked on this for a week, getting organized, trying to make it as easy as I could for the sitter, wearing out the boys and not letting them take a nap. I was starting to wonder if maybe the date night was getting to be more work than it's worth. After putting the kids in their pj's at 6pm and explaining everything in detail to the sitter along with a 7 page note, we were off.

First we went to The Emporium, it was awesome... we had never eaten there and the food was fabulous. We sat by candlelight and discussed politics because we thought that is what dignified people do at these places. Ed and I do enjoy politics even though I get my info from the news and Eddie gets his from Bill Maher and drive by media (Rush Limbaugh), it really drives me nuts. He will kill me for saying this, I am usually the correct one. Someday, he will come to my side. I have faith.

So then the highlight of the evening "RAIN", notice how I tied that together? Thank you God for the weather, I know it was all for the title of my blog. It was amazing....I literally was getting ready to jump out of my seat when the curtain came up. Now I know that this was not the Beatles, but for obvious reasons I will never see them. But they played like the Beatles and showed the history of the Beatles, and they honored the Beatles. What more could you ask for? It had a great media and light show and little fact here.... they have been together almost 3 times as long as the Beatles. They also played " Seargent Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band" live, which the Beatles never did. Now I am a John Lennon fan but the guy who played "Ringo" was flipping funny, really hard to take your eyes off of him. Then as if I was not happy enough ? Guess what song they ended on...Hey Jude! I was happy, we had a great time, but I was glad to get home to see my Tobey Jude.

The sitter did awesome and the kids all survived so date night 2010 was a success. I recommend it to any couple who are in need of a break even if you have to plan way in advance.

I hope everyone else had a great weekend too! And go see "Rain"!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Fish

I am not sure why I put the fish on except that I really want a fish tank and I am STILL waiting. But they will chase your mouse around and you can feed them with a click of your mouse. I will tell Eddie they will stay on until I finally get a fish tank!

Long day....

I can tell already that this is going to be a long day. Edwin woke up in a mood, he kicked me and then called me a "guard" that is not a compliment to him. Husband Eddie is working yet another Friday and I miss him. Tobey had a good morning and even said "Hi" to the bus driver.

I have tons to do to get ready for our date Saturday night. I have already made out detailed list and laid out all the clothes, I even pre-ordered pizza. I now have a ton of housework and medication to pre-measure. I have to do all of this and then go to the store and get groceries for the week (not a small job for 9 people). Find a dress that will work for the date and Easter, that I like, and find clothes for the boys to wear for the parade in the morning. Edwin is pretty excited about it, I am hoping we don't see many "guards". I worry that boy will get in some trouble some day trying to shoot someone with a vacuum extension.

We are getting over the cat now, the kids are asking for a dog again, so I guess that is progress. I do keep looking for her though thinking that she needs fed.

Emily has informed me that she wants to be a chef, she keeps putting a paper lunch sack on her head and telling me that she needs to cook. She even has her own wooden spoon, she is adorable! Melody is still diapering everything that she can find. I had to take a diaper off of 6 stuffed animals today because I am running low, she is not talking to me yet.

Lena will be a teenager next week, I am not ready for that at all. I remember hearing people complain about teens and I thought that won't happen to me, I am a cool parent. It does not matter how cool you think you are, you are the worst person in the world. That is how I know that I am doing it correctly! Mwahahahaha (evil laugh) I have caught on to a new thing that drives her nuts and yet amuses me..... When she is cranky (most of her waking time) I call her the sugariest, sweetest name I can think of....Examples...rainbow dumpling, sunshine princess, Queen of hearts, I am now thinking of them while she is at school so I can be prepared. I love to do these things just for my amusement, we will call it a perk. In her defense though she is a really good kid who is an amazing big sister, she is just that age and this too will pass in 7 years. Oh wait there is 6 more kids....God be with me!

Well I have a ton to do, if you are at the parade tomorrow, look for the Logan float and wave "Hi" to us!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Our Diamond in the rough.....

We had an amazing cat named Diamond. When we lived on Milton Street these people moved in with this Siamese cat named Diamond. Well I knew then that this was a tough cat then because she killed 3 raccoons within 2 weeks of moving there. I liked her already because I don't care for the raccoons. I don't get jealous much but I secretly wanted this cat. And then they moved, and left everything they owned ( I think there was legal trouble) and left this cat with 3 kittens locked up in the house. I called the landlord and after finally getting permission I broke into the house. Diamond had managed to keep herself and the kittens alive. She didn't want to come in our house though I think in fear of getting locked in. And 7 kids!

We finally convinced her we were ok, and 2 weeks later we had the house fire. We were not home and when we arrived the first thing the firemen said was your cat kept going in the house and brought out everyone of those kittens. She had burns all over her face and had lost her whiskers, but there she was cleaning her kittens, whom all came out unscathed.

And then last Sunday, she got hit. I prayed and prayed but when we got her to the vet, even though her jaw could have been fixed and she could have lived without an eye, we could not fix the damage to her brain. And she would have had no quality of life and take more care then I have time to give. So I made the decision to let her go. It was so hard because she was only 4 years old and had such a tough life already, after all that just to have her put down doesn't set right with me. But I hope the right choice. I have never had to do that before, what a responsibility to hold a living things future in your hands like that. A life or death decision that they want you to make in 10 minutes.

So, in my life I try to make the best out of every situation and learn everything I can from it. And this is what I learned from a cat... don't give up, being a good mother takes a lot of sacrifice and never pass up a moment to hug your kid or pet your pets because it can be gone so quickly.

Well my next post will be happier, hopefully I will be happier too! Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The picture below....

That is our pastor Sam and Emily and Melody a week after they were dedicated. My husband who FINALLY posted the picture said it was the day of, but I digress....the man cannot remember dates. Going on...

Our Church is called Living Stones and I think that I have said it before it is a place of pure love, hope, pastor compared Heaven to Disney World, in my mind I kinda compare it to our Church. It almost seems like they put an ad out that says broken people welcome, you are the child of a King, he is crazy in love with you and wants the best for you. When you are at such a low in your life, when you can hardly breathe, to hear these words, it is almost too much to believe. And then you take that step....And BELIEVE

Before the fire, we had been going , I loved it. But with such chaos in our lives, Church was something I thought about on Sunday's. I loved the energy...positive energy, and the band was awesome. I remember the first time I saw our pastor, I thought this guy is a great speaker but when is the sermon? I have never seen anyone preach like Sam. As he says he gets his preach on.

And then we had the fire, and that is the first time that I realized for the first time that I had a family, a real family. It was amazing how Living Stones and God worked together in our lives to make a bad situation into a life changing great one. We found a house in 24 hours with a landlord who rocks! Every time I thought to myself I need Tupperware, etc.I would get a call to come to the church and there would be Tupperware, etc. One week before Thanksgiving money was tight and one of the band members walked up and gave me money. This could go on and on. But just imagine what you would need for a 9 person household and they did it.

And even since then, they have been amazing, The sense of community has made all the difference in our lives. There are rough weeks with the kids and when I get their on Sunday, I know that it will be a better week.

They also love my kids. We put off going to church a long time when we moved here because of having 7 kids and 2 of them which can act a little odd at times. OK being honest here, they are all a little odd. But it is intimidating with Autism. Edwin blurts out the weirdest things and Tobey not being verbal can be hard to deal with. That was not a problem at our church, there is kids there just like my sons. In fact some of my dearest friends are from there and walking down the same path as I am. They even provide a trail buddy for Tobey so that he is included.

I know that people can get turned off by religion and churches, I think it is only because they have not found the right church family. It is not about how you dress, or the gossip. It is about loving people unconditionally like Jesus does us. He doesn't care about the 3 piece suits, come on he wore a robe. He just loves you and wants the best life for you, like my church.

If you are ever in the area and want to go with me sometime, please do. Just be prepared for a pastor with a ton of energy and doughnuts!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Here are some pictures!!!! This is Pastor Sam with Emily and Melody!!! This was taken on the day we dedicated them. more to follow...

Still working on it!

I know I promised a blog about my church, I cannot find the picture that I want to put with it...It is of our pastor and Emily and Melody a week after they were dedicated. If I can't find it tomorrow I will go without and just write. Anyway.... The Weekend!

We took the kids to the grocery store, and Edwin started telling us to keep on the look out for guards. We would have to spot these "guards" aka men that were dressed up and Edwin would shoot laser beams at them through his shopping car cart. After obliterating all of these heathens to society we were able to then get deli meat and all the rest of the fixings for subs. Eddie fed these to the kids while I was out having fun with CJ. When I got home at a respectable hour we tried to play Monopoly City, if you are tired (which I always am)this is not a game to start, we gave up and tried to watch a Mel Brooks film, again way to tired.

Saturday morning we took Olivia to girl scouts and took the boys for blood work, Edwin just needed lead testing..Tobey needed lead testing and stratterra testing, It seems that after a 21/2 hour appointment that Tobey had on Friday that this drug Tobey has been on is doing the opposite with him. Instead of calming him down he has excessive energy. She has now put him on blood pressure medicine, and we are hoping for the best. He is 5 and weighs 32lbs because of his energy level. I am praying that the med changes don't mess with his speaking, I do not want to go backwards.

We then went to Once Upon a Child and got the older kids some clothes and then Lena, Ali and I went to get our hair done. We had a good time and Ed had a cookout for dinner for us.

On Sunday we went to church and had a great time, and took a Sunday drive. We came home and did our household relay and then watched The Oscars. As I went upstairs I looked out the window, I seen that our cat Diamond was laying in the road. I thought she was gone already and yelled to Ed to go get her. I then seen her move which was terrifying because the traffic was whizzing by her. He stopped traffic and brought her in, we thought that she was not going to be with us too long, so we made her comfortable...told her we loved her. And then she started perking up. She lost an eye and her jaw is bad. I am waiting to hear back from the vet, (ER care is out of our budget) so she is at least drinking and resting well. So I don't know if anybody else prays for pets but she could use it. I am slightly concerned that she may require additional care, but we already have 1 cat who is blind in one eye, what's one more right? So now that you are depressed, a cute kid story to finish up on...

In the car yesterday, Eddie said to Emily "Who does Jesus love?" Emily then says"ME!!!!"and so Eddie says who else does Jesus love and she says "just me!" somebody was not listening to the lesson! Have a great day!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It Got Better....

So, yesterday was not looking to good, but it turned out ok. Tobey finally settled down at 11pm last night and The rest of them was asleep by 8. I have 2 bruises from Tobey but I will live, just thankful that he took it out on me instead of the other kids, and he has a Dr. appointment tomorrow....will talk to the Dr. then about what we can do.

The car fixed itself, made a crazy noise and then revved itself up....terrifying! And now works great, defiantly blocked up. Praise the Lord it is working!

Ed is at work now and we he comes home tonight, HE IS HOME...3 days! I miss him so much and ready to have him here again!

Emily cut her foot last night and told me that "I spilled my guts in Ali's room" I thought she had gotten sick, but no that is just her way of saying she got cut. A little odd, and now I am wondering where she got that from.

Decided not to have a new recipe tonight and make Edwin food. Macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets, in other words foods that Autistics should not have , but maybe he will grace us with his presence at the dinner table tonight. Time will tell.

Lena is obsessed with the Jonas Brothers, the other day my back went out and I was stuck watching them, I could not move, I had no choice! Now I can't believe that I am putting this in was not bad. I compare it The Monkee's which I probably misspelled but it was a great show. I personally was a Micky Dolenz fan not Davy (never got that one). Of all the things that Lena watches I can approve of this one. Speaking of Lena she will be 13 in 20 days, and I am not sure if I am up to the teenage years. The tantrums and attitudes, WOW! I will live! I am taking her on Saturday to get our hair done together so maybe we will bond or something like that.

Well that is really all for today, I hope that the sun is shining as much in your world as it is in mine!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Yet another Autism Day...

It was just one of those days again that start out like any other. Except Alison was sick and running a temp, she felt fine by noon, amazing how that works. Anyway, Tobey came home from school and went crazy, I mean spinning, hitting, biting the whole 9 yards. He was trying to verbalize something to me, but when he is upset stressed or excited it is really hard for him. This only makes matters worse. I medicated him for a nap and it didn't take.

Edwin is very sensitive to the mood of the house and sensed chaos the second he walked in the door. He was then ready to battle Tobey and we had to separate them. After suffering through homework we got him settled with a snack. Then here it was 4pm and Tobey fell asleep, it will be a late night.

We are trying new recipes this week, just getting tired of the same old thing. Last night was Mexican Ravioli and tonight we had Beef and Asparagus stir fry. Yesterday's was the hands down favorite. Tomorrow I am making Corny Chicken Bake, I think that will go over the best. Edwin who thinks that the only edible vegetable is french fries has had peanut butter jelly sandwiches and cheese sticks for 2 nights in a row! It cracks me up when he looks at the food that we are having and then just says" grape jelly please". I have a feeling that if he moves out on his own, he will be fully stocked with peanut butter jelly fixings and cheese sticks. I have tried every trick in the book with him to get him to eat real food, not going to happen...I will keep up the fight though.

Lena is at youth group right now, Ann Lynn picked her up, she is a God send...literally. She is a designer being...remember that Ann? So thanks again!

Eddie works tomorrow and then a 3 day weekend! I hardly remember having a husband that does more than eats and showers here. Really looking forward to having him home.

Ok, I am going to do a movie review. I got the kids the movie Where the Wild Things Are. It could not even keep my attention and I wanted to sit down and enjoy a break. The kids were bored to death after 20 minutes. We didn't even finish it. Totally wasted money on that one, the previews were better than the movie. I will try it again this weekend since I own it now, but no promises that I will stay awake. Eddie started Amadeus last night, that is the best movie ever. That has been one of my favorite movies since I was 12. I wanted to name our first son Wolfgang but I was threatened by everyone. So we named him Ed, quite a difference. I have been told when we get a dog we can name him Mozart, so I 'll live.

That is all for tonight, have a good one!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Oh no.......

The Tobey Jude had to stay home today, so my schedule is off, maybe I am Autistic. The boy is not feeling great, just a little off his game. I work like a mad woman when he is at school so I can be with him every minute he is at home. He is taking a nap right now so I steam mopped the dining room, loaded a dishwasher, started dinner and played with Emily and Melody, all the time praying that he sleeps for 1 more hour. I honestly don't know what I will do this summer!

The Suburban is acting up and needs to go in the shop on Friday, it just keeps acting like it is wanting to stall out. My theory is fuel filters, Ed's is injectors, believe it or not I am usually the one who is correct on car maintenance and I have never changed a tire. I also have this useless skill of being able to name off make and models of cars at a glance. As I said useless skill.

Buc Buc needs to go to the vet. He is the great cat that we have had forever. When the kids are sick he sleeps with that kid, when I was in labor with Melody he stayed up all night with me, he is simply a family member. Not a kid, a family member, there is a difference. Anyway, he is getting very thin and throwing up every night. I have a feeling that it will be bad news, but here is hoping.

Edwin has a new thing, he is a robot now. He has to be adjusted and charged up. I think that it is a Wall-e thing. I was told to never even bother figuring out where an Autistic got something, you will lose your mind. It is making things interesting around here because as you know they were getting boring. haha By the way I am using this to my advantage, when he acts up I adjust him and make him go charge up. He then sits in the corner and calms down. I am liking this phase.

Ed only works 48 hours this week, so I am really looking forward to him being home this weekend. We were planning on going out of town but it is simply not in the cards, maybe in 2 weeks. I am going out to dinner Friday with a friend from Church named CJ, she has been great, she has 2 children with special needs. It is great to hang out with somebody who gets it. I have been blessed to meet so many of these priceless friends at our Church. There is no sympathy, just love and acceptance. They are also great at telling me about resources that are out there. Down the road I would love to start up a support group for all these parents to get together so we can share all that info.

Well that is all for today, I have a bazillion other things to do before the son rises! Have a great day!

Oh no.......

Monday, March 1, 2010


Monday's are way too quiet here, you don't have a large family if you are someone who needs a calm household. Right now I only have Emily and Melody home and they are watching TV, I know they watch too much of it, it is the only way I keep my sanity. It is a good day to find the remotes and catch up on weekend chores and sort out uniforms for the week, but way too quiet.

Yesterday we went to church and had a great time, we got there a little late and had to look for a seat. How great is that? I have always gone to the churches where you can have the whole section to yourself, this is much better. I plan on writing more about my church this week but I want to attach a picture to it and I don't know how to do that, so be on the look out for it. Anyway... after church I had this great idea of going to Cracker Barrel. It turned out to be a really dumb idea. Long line and long wait, not going to work with 7 kids. So, I said we will just find somewhere else. No....there is not a single restaurant in Elkhart open, or even the Farmers Market on Sunday's. Ed then said let's go to Golden Corral, it is in Warsaw. I am not packed for this excursion and the kids are officially starving. So off we go against my better judgement. After we finally got there we had a great time. And for all of us to eat was only 50 bucks. Also include the 40 in gas...we have a large vehicle.

Tobey is still talking, not on cue, but I just leaving hearing that voice. When he got ready for school he said "mittens" and then "cold" acting like he was shivering. The kid is a goof ball! LOVE IT!!!! He also blew us kisses last night before bed, he is coming leaps and bounds. I cannot explain the joy I feel getting to know this kid after 5 years. It just feels like a miracle.

Edwin keeps asking me not to shoot him, I have no idea where that came from... Wall-e? Just for the record I have never shot him! He is not pleased that his Dad is not home as much because I can't wrestle him. He told me that I need to go to work, Dad is fun. Maybe Ed shoots him less, hahaha

I am planning a date night for Ed and me on the 13th. We are going to go and see Rain, a Beatles musical and have dinner somewhere. It is really hard to have time for us. I am not going to get respite care for the boys for years, and a teenager down the road can't handle this. I think that the boys or the number of kids scare off Grandparents, so we are it. My Dad's girlfriend is going to babysit for us on the 13th, this will be her first time since we had Emily. I hope that she makes it. I plan on keeping me cell handy.

I just found out that we are going to be in the St.Patrick's Day parade, that is going to be fun. I think I will just take the boys and let Ed take the girls to the festivities (coloring of the river, etc). The kids are really excited about St.Patrick's Day this year, especially Olivia. I am just going to make rainbow cupcakes and have a craft for them at home, and then the parade, that is enough for Olivia I hope.

Well that is all for today, I have 1 more remote to find...I swear this happens every weekend! Have a great beginning of March!