Friday, November 12, 2010

This Thanksgiving....

I love traditions, as a kid growing up we really never had any. And I remember in my childhood mind that I wanted to have one of those families that has traditions. I have succeeded! Every year on December 14th we watch A Christmas Story and then we dine on meatloaf, mashed potatoes and red cabbage (which usually ends up a ghastly blueish/purple. And we eat the meal with NO utensils, no table manners....nothing! It is one of my favorite days of the year, We picked out that date because it is the day Eddie proposed to me and also my Grandma Sims' birthday. It is wonderful every year looking forward to celebrating that day. And I am sure that Grandma is up in heaven looking down on us laughing and shaking her head in disbelief!

Our Thanksgiving traditions are just as fun! The kids always name our Turkey which I understand is a little something a name before you roast it, slice into it and then eat it! But it's our tradition and we love it! The kids watch the parade while I print up activities off of Family Fun's site and then the kids get to set the table anyway they want and we light candles and Eddie says the prayer and we all talk about what has been great about that year. I love that it is just discussion of Autism, not worrying about the kids looking perfect or that they may break something. It is one of the few peaceful days that we really ever have.

But this year we are not going to be home....our Dining Room is already filled with boxes for the move, our oven has officially died and will never see another turkey. I will have the kids dressed up and talk to them about their behavior on the way and also pray that the boys will have a good day.

But, I am thankful, so very thankful for the year that we have had.....even with lead and more issues with Tobey, the endless meetings and appointments, the stress of Autism and 7 kids.....I am so thankful.

Thank you for my God and my Church.....I have more "family" that I get to see and hug and love every week than I could ever deserve. The people that attend my Church are as messed up as I am, and I love them for it! Thank you Pastor Sam for bringing my family back together and for the unconditional love that you and your family has given me.

Thank you Portage management for finally telling us that we are going to move into a safe home for Tobey in just a few short weeks. It is a wonderful home that we will make wonderful memories in, and a nicer home than we ever thought we deserved.

Thank you Steel Warehouse for giving my husband an awesome job opportunity and a chance to go to school in January. Thank you for a paycheck and that gift certificate for Martin's that you always send us....thank you Martin's for the best paninis' I have ever had!

Thank you for my Precious Stones group and for CJ for being my right hand man with it! I am blessed that my biggest problem with it right now is that I have a ton of people coming in December.

Thank you to my kids' teachers, I know you as well as my family and that is because you love my kids enough to care for my kids' education.

Thank you for my husband, who puts up with me and some of my crazy ideas....I have been known to do some odd things like put googly eyes on plants and my obsession with the Golden Girls can be a little hard to stomach. Thank you Eddie for being the best husband than words could ever express and I look forward to so many more years together.

Thank you to the 7 most amazing kids I have ever known, you guys are the most loving, funny and unique people I have ever had the honor of meeting.....and the fact that I can say that I am your Mother is a blessing that I am thankful for everyday.

So, I guess that when it all boils down...our little traditions, even though I love them and will do them next year....are not really that big of a deal! Because look how much we have going for us!

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