Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Kids....

Last night we had a talk with the kids about their new schools. The number one question on their minds was if they are going to a uniform school. Lena and Alison will be in uniform and Olivia, Edwin and Tobey will not.

The older two will be going to Jackson whichlooks like a nice school. I am hoping that they know some kids from Church, so they don't feel to lonely.

Olivia and Tobey will start the first full week of December at Hay. I talked to the Principal yesterday and he seems like a great guy. He said that the Lifeskills teacher will be "thrilled" (that is sarcasm) to get another runner. I know who the other runner is in his class, and I have already apologized! She will probably be the next teacher of the year.

Edwin will not start at Hay until after the Christmas break, he does not handle change very well....so this seems like the best thing for him. The Principal is already checking into seeing if Edwin's Aid can just move schools with him, here's hoping! So, I will be living in the van transporting Edwin twice a day for his 3 hour school days. I think that we are just going to keep him on 3 hour days for a while, he is doing so much better at school....they only call 5 times a week now.

I can't believe that next week is Thanksgiving already, not to sound old but this year has gone quick! I am now kinda happy that I don't have to get up early and stick my hand up a turkey's booty. All I have to do is assemble 2 casseroles and a dessert at my mother-in-laws and enjoy the parade with the kids. I am also going to take Coke because I married into a Pepsi family. We are going to swing by my Dad's for a quick visit, so that will be a nice day! Usually we put up our tree that night, but we are going to wait and surprise the kids with it at the new house while they are at school and the sitter's.

I seen an article about those reusable shopping bags contain lead, REALLY? What in the world is so wonderful about lead that manufactures feel the need to put it in everything? Ed and I joke that they probably put lead in Cheerios way back then. I can understand why they used to put it in things, it makes colors pop. But I have no idea why they still put it in things when they know that it could harm children. Besides the house we had several things in our home that contain lead....our Christmas tree, dishes, mega blocks (blue and green ones) and ironically Toby the train from the Thomas the Tank line. Anyway....I go on!

So, that is all today...hope you have a good one!

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