Sunday, November 14, 2010

Am I weird?

Today since we didn't have to rush around for Church ( the crew goes to evening service) I watched a movie about an odd family. According to the person that writes those little descriptions of movies or shows when you hit that info button on the remote....

Anyway, while I was watching this movie about this "odd" family I came to the unsettling realization that this family was extremely similar to ours.....It almost made me wondered if there is like some camera planted in our home. They got the odd phone calls from the school, the parents got along the same way we do, and the oldest daughter you could tell at times wanted to distance herself from the family. There was lines said in this movie that have been said in our house on a daily basis....just an odd feeling.

So then it made me wonder if we are weird, like are our kids going to need therapy when they move out weird.... I hope that we aren't so weird that they are scared to bring people over because of the odd things that happen here from time to time. Anyway, I digress....and I will find that camera!

See you Monday!

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