Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A conversation with a 3 year old Melody....

Yesterday I found Miss Melody in the kitchen trying to make herself a soda without me noticing....the look of shock on her face was too much!

I told her "Melody you can not have soda at 9 in the morning."
Melody----" Mom, are you crazy?"
Me---"Not crazy enough to let you have soda."
Melody ---"Are you going to kill me?" ( Edwin quote)
Me---"As long as you put down the soda, we are cool."
Melody----"That's it! I am outta HERE!"

Ahhh, life with kids.....

I am thankful for every moment I have to be a parent to these 7 characters, except for when Tobey doesn't sleep...those moments are the moments when I wonder what the heck I have got myself into.

So as a tribute to my amazing family I will tell you what I am thankful for with each and everyone of them.

To my oldest Lena....thank you for being the guinea pig and thank you for the love that show. Thank you for the sarcastic attitude that you inherited from me and for your zaniness that you inherited from your Dad. I am so thankful for the walk that I see you taking in Christ and for being my right hand man even though you complain at usually do it! I love you Lena.

To my Ali Rose you are such an odd kid and I say that with love. I am thankful that you were a fighter from the moment you were born. And even though things were not looking great, you were amazingly strong and came through like a champ. From you I have learned that the human spirit is amazing, and so are you.

Edwin Jesse, I am thankful for the adventure of seeing life in your eyes. It is hard to be serious or stressed with life when you are apologizing to strangers because you have shot them or sucked out their soul. I love how you think people in suits are guards and seeing you reenact scenes from Adventure Time. You my son, never let things get boring.

Olivia Grace, you are probably the smartest human being I have ever met. Your patience with your special needs kids has already become legend at Darden and you are my favorite lunch date. I love your heart with the way you are with Edwin and I know that I will be learning things from you the rest of my life. You are my princess....

Tobey Jude, from you my ball of energy I have learned that language isn't everything. A hug and a kiss before you go to bed speak volumes more that a quick "I love you.". I am thankful for you showing me how fragile life can be and how fun it is to just simply jump until you can't jump anymore! ( Like that will EVER happen!) You have brought a level of fun and love to my world that words can never express, and you did that my son by speaking very few. I love you Jude Monkey!

Emily Frances, you my dear are the biggest handful I have ever known. I am thankful for your sense of humor and how you keep me on my toes. I love how you help me cook and how you love your sister Melody. Bold but shy, sweet but tough, loving but my dear are a conundrum....I love you for that!

To my baby Melody are insane....but in a good way! You are one of the weirdest, toughest, most original kids I have ever met. I have met no one that could get 22 stitches and sleep through it! I am so looking forward to getting to know you more as you are growing and learning...I can already see how fun you are! I love you odd ball!

I suppose I should mention the husband! He is in the room and I don't want to ruin the holiday with a divorce attorney appointment. To my Eddie thank you for giving me 7 kids, and for working so hard to support them and for being the person who keeps me from going crazy. I love your humor and how you can make me smile in the darkest times. I am looking forward to 50 more years with you, that is if Edwin hasn't "shot" you!

If I don't see you tomorrow....HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I hope that you get lots of turkey and pumpkin pie. I hope for you a peaceful and safe thanksgiving and none of those family fights that I always hear about. Everyone has so much to be thankful for....I know I do! I don't have to cook this year!

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