Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The small stuff.....

Eddie is on 12 hour days right now, so I am without a husband for most of the day! I am getting used to it......

The kids are doing well, I am waiting for paperwork to take Tobey in for his lead test. I can hardly wait to get that level below a 10 and stop walking on eggshells! The theory is, when we get in the new house it should hopefully drop pretty quickly.

Emily asked me in the car the other day why Tobey can't talk....I told her that Tobey has Autism just like Edwin. With a straight face she responded with "Tobey is not mean like Edwin, he doesn't have Autism!". And there you have it the true definition of Autism, explained by a 4 year old....Autism is different for everyone.

Edwin's teacher got teacher of the year. This is the second time that a teacher has received this award with one of my kids in their class. I told Eddie that they must be giving special consideration when my kids are in there and believe with their hearts that these teachers are saints! I can see the conversation now...."Oh, I see that you have one of the Holstein kids....you are in the running for our highest honor if you can handle that one!". I am their Mother, I know how they can be!

People have described my kids with several words....I will only put the nice ones.
  • Magical personalities
  • Interesting group
  • They all look alike ( I don't see that one)
  • Free spirits

One thing that I love about my kids is that they are their own people, no two are alike. Lena is your moody teenager, Alison your sweet kid going goth, Edwin the child that I worry may try and kill me someday but loves Church, Olivia the genius with a huge heart, Tobey the non-talking funny guy, Emily the bossy cook, and Melody the superhero who really thinks everyday that she is going to fly. But the hard part of not having clones is keeping up with these guys! At any given moment I can be cooking with Emily, thinking of a punishment for Alison, praying for Lena, trying to avoid being shot from Edwin, adjusting Melody's cape, grading Olivia's homework, and trying to keep Tobey from jumping off the kitchen counter! Motherhood is not for the weak I tell you! I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Lena asked me what are our plans for Veterans Day. I am thankful for what they have done for our country, I am related to several people who have served, but it has never really crossed my mind that I need to bake cupcakes for it. Does anyone? I think that I will do something with the kids, who knows? I may just make cupcakes! Maybe I will watch Forrest Gump (like I need an excuse to watch that movie!).

Speaking of Tom Hanks.....I FINALLY got to see Toy Story 3, and I loved it. I have yet to be disappointed with a Pixar movie! I love them so much I can't even say which one is my favorite....it's like your kids, you love them all the same but each one is your favorite for different reasons.

Toy Story was my first love.

Monster's Inc reminds me of Emily (she looks like Boo).

Finding Nemo got me because the Mom died....what is up with all the Disney Characters losing their mom? Cinderella, Bambi, Nemo, the list goes on and on!

Cars was just fun, and I love Bonnie Hunt!

Up was adorable and made me want to get a stair lift!

Wall-e, that dear robot nearly saved my sanity in 2008!

So, if I was not the last person on Earth to see Toy Story 3, I highly recommend it.....have you been hiding under the same rock I was?

See you on Wednesday dear readers! I need to find a new closing...any ideas?


  1. HEre is my idea for a new ending...thanks to my husband for making everything possible and sexy...

  2. I do think your kids look alike. LOL! but I get it--so many people tell me that Erik and Anders look the same and I just do not see it.
