Monday, November 15, 2010

Emily Frances

I have never met a kid like Emily....she is very cute, very smart, very funny and well....very Emily!

Her middle name is in honor of my Grandma Frances, but I had no idea when I gave her this honor, how much like Grandma that Emily would resemble.

Here is just a few things that happened with Emily. Little girls always want to marry their Daddy's, it is a right of passage that if you are a loving Dad your daughter will want to marry you. But Emily even asked my permission to marry Eddie. We laughingly refer her to as Wife number 2, but Emily takes this to a whole new level. She insists on helping me make his food and wants her own time with him watching Spongebob.

Emily is the only kid that I have ever had to walk out of a restaurant because of her behavior, she had a 10 minute tantrum because Eddie told her that she can't date yet.

If my number goes up at Church the first thing I think is Tobey got hurt and then I realize that Emily has been kicked out again. The last thing I said to her when I dropped her off yesterday at Church was "Don't get kicked out!". She lasted 10 minutes.

When Emily is good, she is the neatest kid EVER, I love having conversations with her. She loves Tinkerbell as much as I do, she has a passion for cooking and her brother Edwin and can be pure joy. But when Emily is bad, watch out! Her fits can last for hours and she will not back down or even compromise. I have seen her hold a grudge for as long as a year. At home she is the most outgoing, but in public if she is behaving, she goes shy!

I know I have said it a thousand times but I need a book on her, I am good on Autism books! Now help me with Emily!

My Grandmother was a sweet woman until you made her mad and then you were done for, she was Valedictorian and everyone knew that she NEVER backed down. She was persistent....when she got Polio in her 40's and could not walk that did not detour her from staring her own business and not retiring until her 80's.

I love the fact that Emily is so much like her, but I sure wish I could talk to my Great Grandmother because there are days I am at a loss! How did she raise a kid like that and remain sane?

I think Emily will grow into quite the woman, but I may never see it from my padded room. I love you Emily Frances even as you are literally pulling my hair out as I write this because I need a are quite the kid!

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