Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday is here......

That was a long weekend my friends.....Tobey changed up his sleep schedule, and that always makes things tough. He was up at 2:30 for 2 nights in a row. Let me tell you, a fun way to wake up is having a matchbox car being thrown at your head. But, last night he slept all night long and the cars stayed a safe distance from my head.

We had a great service at Church yesterday....I know that I have said it before, but it amazes me how the sermons parallel my life so much! Not to go sounding like Oprah here, but I am just going to take that as a sign that we are where we are supposed to be, in South Bend at Living Stones Church.

Speaking of Church, I guess that Edwin was quite the sight last night in Kids Kanyon. Edwin is a rocker....he loves to dance, play air guitar and head bang. So without even being asked Edwin got on the stage and put on a performance. I guess you could say that the spirit moved him. I found this to be really interesting because usually during the music part he would much rather do a word search and block out everything! He is such a great kid! Maybe he has decided that his alter ego "the rocker" can come out of the house!

Tobey got his first "report card" on Friday. To be honest part of me didn't want to look at it. The other kids did awesome...Olivia did so well I think she may be the next kid to skip a grade! But Tobey's was simply a report on things that he hasn't accomplished yet. I am noticing more personality everyday and that thrills me! But scholastically we are at a standstill. He is not progressing the way that I keep praying and hoping he will so I can put him in regular school ever. And to be honest I have no idea how or when he will ever get to be in regular school. It is hard as a parent to face the facts and reality of the situation and still keep hoping for something that may or may not happen. Anyway, I will just keep loving my Tobey Jude and stop trying to "fix" him, as his teacher told me "He is not broken.".

Well, I am off to get a ton of housework done! Have a good one!

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