Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!!!

Well, Halloween has arrived my friends....And I can hardly move from the party yesterday!

We had around 50 or so people and it was a blast. Considering that this was my first real "event" for Precious Stones, I was pretty happy with it. But now that morning has arrived my mind is racing with what could have been done better! I would like to take a moment and thank everyone that helped with cookies or games! That was awesome and I love you for it!

The highlight of my day was getting to know a 21 year old Autistic who had a lot of the same issues as Tobey...non-verbal, etc. I saw him sign to his caregiver that he was happy and a big boy now! He absolutely stole my heart, and why I wanted to do this from the get go! I met a lot of people that don't even attend our Church (maybe they will now!) and after talking to them, I saw just how much we had in common with concerns for our children.

Some of the things that were discussed was trying to fit in with parent's who don't understand the job of raising these wonderful kids, frustrations with the medical community, dealing with schools, what if our kids outlive us, and respite. So, I now have tons of ideas for future meetings.

One thing that broke my heart is I think that Tobey will have to go to respite when I have these events. Which just seems insane because Edwin and Tobey is the main reason that I wanted to do this! It was super hard to talk to parents, control the group and meet with all the other kids while my mind was on Tobey and doors that I couldn't keep shut. So, I think that when we have the "events" my Mommy hat will have to come off.....

The kids are ready for Halloween! Lena is dressing up as a Zombie, she said....but I will not buy her a costume because she is not going trick or treating. She will get a little surprise but I can't say what it is in case she reads the blog! Alison will be a Rebel Fairy (that is what the costume says), Edwin will be Finn from Adventure Time ( had to make that one, it looks nuts!), Olivia will be a Gothic Cheerleader, Tobey will be Jake from Adventure Time (a dog), Emily will be Tinkerbell, and Melody will be Superwoman! I will be going as a tired Mother!

So, I am off to get ready for the day! Have a great Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. And, I will be going as the "Husky Boy" underwear model...oh yeah
