Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hello again!

Well, I have a new keyboard so, I am back in business!!! We have had a busy week, and I got quite a bit accomplished. Yesterday I went with CJ to A Rosie Place....very nice facility. It is a respite home for medically fragile children to stay at and give their parents a break. I was slightly worried because one of the staff members said that Tobey would not be approved, until seizures came up in the conversation. So, here was my dilemma....

I am thankful everyday that I don't know anything about feeding tubes and oxygen masks. I have a dear friend who everyday has to load up her child in a wheelchair. And her strength, not only for that, but her spirit as a human is admirable. And then you have Tobey Jude who on the outside is the handsomest 5 year old boy I know, and his problems are all internal, you can not tell from the outside that he has severe lead poisoning, or seizures that scare the crap out of his Mother, or a mental illness that causes him to not talk and disconnect from our world, and has such severe ADHD that he weighs 32 pounds because of his activity level. How can he not be considered medically fragile? And how can I not get the same benefits? So, here's hoping that Tobey is medically fragile enough so that I can get respite that will be covered by insurance and not us paying out of pocket....isn't that crazy? I did enjoy the facility and the staff were amazing, it was very homelike, and Tobey Jude may be in the South Bend Tribune along with my friend that I admire to the utmost degree.

So, as you may have seen on Tobey Jude had a haircut. It was a sad day here.....I am still holding back the tears. Here is the play by play of the events. At the school on Friday, the teacher timidly told me that they simply couldn't handle his long hair....the bangs were getting in his eyes. They then said he could keep the length in the back....but have the front short. That is a mullet lady!!!!!!!!! So, there was Eddie....thrilled with his chance to cut the boys hair and teasingly saying " My hand could get shaky, and cut all of it off." I informed him in front of the staff that my hand would remain steady on the divorce papers if he even tried that! So, in the fear that Tobey would end up looking like he was going into the service, I tried to trim his bangs. Now, Tobey Jude HATES haircuts and moves like crazy and I swiped off a huge section in the back when he moved. At this point...Tobey is crying, I am near depression and Eddie who tried to help, has managed to take my son from Rocker to Amish looking child. So I don't know if I should start calling him Tobias Judah to match his hair cut....I am thankful that his hair grows back quickly and so I am on the hunt for a hairdresser who will help me maintain Tobey's beautiful locks when they grow back. His hair will be long again, you can bet on it.

We had some birthdays last week.....Eddie turned 35 and Alison turned 12! Alison who I think maybe our child who ends up going goth....wanted only Monster High stuff for her Birthday. I would like to thank Target for having all of it on sale. She also got money, a stereo and Justin Beiber things....I got a headache, hahaha! She got to spend yesterday with her favorite teacher, who took her to Michigan. And then we finally had her cake last night! So she had a good weekend!

To the other parents out there....Do your kids maintain relationships with former teachers? Or is it just mine? Olivia still spends full days with her kindergarten teacher Mrs. Yoder, and Alison spends time with Mrs. Maheiu....I think Lena would like to spend a day with Mr. VanDyke, but that will happen over my dead body. If anyone is spending the day with Mr. VanDyke it will be me, haha! He is adorable, people. Going on....I really like that the kids are that close to their teachers and I think that the fact that they take time out of their schedules to plan a day and take them out is awesome!

So today is a day of fun, we have Church and an event at the Logan Center....and then Church again. I love Sundays! And then home to keep working on the party on Saturday for Precious Stones.....less than a week, Yikes!

So, have a great day....and pray that I get the party done, world peace, Tobey getting into respite and that his hair grows back quickly!

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