Thursday, October 7, 2010

2 out of 7.....

Well, today we only had the pleasure of sending 2 kids to school. Lena has a fever and sore throat. Edwin is home because he has a sub today, so they suggested he stay home. And Tobey who is finally about over pink-eye has a fever, temp and broken out in a rash all over. So, today is looking to be a fun day!

I am getting more excited about moving, tomorrow night we are going to have a meeting with the kids to discuss room arrangements and extra chores, because it is a bigger home and yard. One thing they are already arguing with me about is that they won't have TVs in their rooms at the new place....they are not pleased. They will live, I think.

The girls will have their own playroom with a TV and the boys will have a TV in their room. I am in hopes this will work, because the girls fight with Edwin daily about him being in their space, and Edwin gets mad that he is stuck watching girly stuff all the time. By the way I laughingly put down the boys' room, I know that Tobey is probably never going to not sleep with me....It is going to get weird in a few years, maybe, just maybe some day he will sleep on his own.

So, I forgot to tell you a story about our adventure at the pumpkin farm. Tobey has this habit of throwing leaves and twigs in the air and watching them fall down. I always let him do it, it makes him happy and he has never hurt anyone. Well, last Saturday he threw some leaves and it landed on this boy who was probably 10 and I started helping him clean up and apologized. Tobey had done a number this time, it was in the kids hoodie, his latte' and his hair. I then looked over and saw his angry mother. Fearing for my life, I played the Autism card. Wow, does that thing come in handy! It may have possibly kept 7 kids from becoming motherless. The mother just looked at me, then Tobey and smiled and said it was OK. Thank you Autism. I will however not let Tobey do that in public anymore, it can be dangerous.

I read this article that when we go to Disney I should have cards made up to explain that the boys' have Autism, to use as "Get out of jail free" cards. I am honestly thinking of just making them up all the time. I don't mind explaining Autism to family and friends, and I certainly don't mind explaining it when it keeps me from getting my butt kicked. But there are times at the store or park when it gets old. Because of Tobey's cuteness ( come on people, you know how cute he is...) we constantly have older ladies wanting to come up and talk to him, so you either explain his medical history, or....hope they think he is shy. It is especially hard to explain the complexities of Autism when you are loading groceries on the belt for 9 people, and have Emily asking for candy and trying to keep Olivia and Alison from talking to every stranger they see. I want to increase awareness for Autism, I just don't want to do it 24 hours a day.

I hope you have a great day! See you tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. TV's in their own room. They are lucky kids. I'm contemplating a no tv rule in our house once we have kids. Kids can color, read, do homework, play outside, listen to music, play games...i think they can somehow muster the courage to survive.
