Monday, October 25, 2010


So, here it is Monday has struck again....I have tons to do from having too busy of a weekend, and it is looking dreary out. The kids were cranky because I sacked out and Eddie let them stay up too late.

After Edwin gets on his bus, I am making Eddie take me for a drive....I love to drive around in this weather, I also love to cook in it. On tonight's menu....Baked Ham, mashed potatoes, green beans and chocolate chip cookies....that is if the dishwasher can go to turbo drive and catch up all the dishes from the weekend.

So, in planning the Fall-o-ween party for Precious Stones, I had a few things stressing me was pumpkins, no one wants to donate them and I need quite a few. Last night I got a message that a friend of a friend did very well on the BOAT (casino) that he wants to donate pumpkins....yipee!!!! Pumpkin decorating was kinda one of the big events. We were also concerned about volunteers for the event after I finally came to the conclusion that three people could not pull this off, and now I have enough! We also have managed to find a resource that will provide free childcare for our meetings and the big Christmas Party! So, things are looking good!

The move is finally feeling like it's real now...boxes are in my dining room and we decided not to do our own Thanksgiving this year just so we don't worry about putting on a huge dinner before we leave. It is bitter sweet, this house with all of it's problems ( there are lots) was still our home for 2 years. And was a roof over our head when we were virtually homeless after the fire. And even though the whole lead deal has not been pleasant, we have had some great times here... I am excited to see the difference between living in a 110 year old home, compared to a 15 year old home. Some things I will really enjoy with the new place will be a driveway, attached garage, not being by the hospital, no Notre Dame traffic, no scary neighbor (hopefully) and being out of town!

We had a great time at Logan yesterday....if you aren't from the area, Logan is a resource for special needs family that provides jobs, housing, and fun events....I know they do more, but I am just starting with them. I did see that they do help handicapped individuals find homes when they outlive their parents, which is something that we have talked about several times in our home. I think that Edwin will do fine either on his own or living with friends and just support. But Tobey, that one worries me. I used to think that well, I have 5 girls that maybe one of them will step up and take him in. But, how fair is that to them....and how fair is that to Tobey? I want my kids to have the best life possible, and not to feel burdened....or feel like a burden. To me, taking care of Tobey for the rest of my life is as natural to me as breathing. He is a ton of work, I am the first one to tell you, but I don't bat an eye if we have to help him every step of the way. So, I may check into what Logan has to offer in that kind of care. Ahhhh, the things parents do for their children.

The kids are hyped up about Halloween! We are going to Trunk or Treat at our Church, and Eddie keeps saying that he will provide free rides with the wheelchair lift for the entertainment! Only my husband would think to do that! I think that we will leave Lena at the van to hand out candy, while we take the other 6 to get their candy! My mother-in- law who has been doing a great job of staying out of my parenting voiced her opinion on that one though. She thinks that as long as kids dress up they should be able to get candy. I think that 13 is the limit in our home. Lena who is tall for her age got quite a few comments last year, about being to old....My mother-in -law did not understand this. So, because of the age limit this will be Alison's last year, which she is fine with, she complains about the walk! I can honestly say most of my kids are lazy, maybe Tobey sucked out all of their energy!

Well, that is all for today! I am off to load the dishwasher....again!!!! Have a great day!

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