Friday, October 29, 2010

It's a Major Award!!!!!!

Well, here I am again my friends....and hopefully we are done having computer problems again!

Today, my Tobey Jude came home with a witch in his backpack. Would you like to know why he has a witch in his backpack? Well, Tobey Jude won it at school from the cafeteria staff for being the quietest in the lunch room. Personally, I found this so funny that Tobey being non-verbal won a contest for being quiet, I mean really, it wasn't even a fair contest! So, he is enjoying his major award!

The party for Precious Stones is tomorrow, and I am so excited. One thing that surprised me was the emails that I have gotten asking if they could come. Yes!!! You can come! I will love you and accept your children! It doesn't matter what there disability is, whether born with it or an accident happened, or how old they are....we want you to come! I can't wait to meet more of these special kids!

Besides the party, life has been especially hectic...I will give you the run down....
  • Lena is horrible about wearing her glasses even though she looks adorable in them, so they have become yet another thing that I am trying to keep Tobey from breaking.
  • Alison has been whining just as a pre- teen should, I do think that if Lena doesn't kill me with the teenage years...Alison will!
  • Edwin does not like Tornado drills, I know this because he bit his teacher when she tried to put him in position for it. Part of me is glad that he won't let anyone mess with him. But I now have to find a card from Hallmark that says " I am sorry my Son bit you....he has had his shots!".
  • Olivia is doing good, we have a lunch date planned for next week together, so she is happy!
  • Tobey started a new thing of rolling his eyes into the back of his head, scared the heck out of me! It looked like a seizure thing, I am still getting it checked out....we need no more issues in that area.
  • Emily is getting along famously with Edwin, she has learned to go into his "world", hopefully this does not lead to therapy!
  • Melody has decided that she is a super hero, thanks to a craft at Church. I got her the costume today (Superwoman) and she will not take it off, or answer to the name Melody.

So that is all tonight. I am off to eat junk food with the kids and watch Charlie Brown, and work on the party stuff! Have a good night!

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