Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The house of Holstein.....

I really don't have much to blog about, I have mainly been focused on moving and making lists and stuff. Kinda boring.....

Tobey should be able to go back to school tomorrow! So, I am totally ready for that. I don't know how to put it into words, but when he is at school I can breathe. I have never looked at him as a burden, and I love my time with him. But it is nice for a few hours a day of not having him be my responsibility, not worrying every 2 minutes that I don't physically have my eyes on him.

Edwin has had a good week at school as far as school work, but....well he told some choice words, so he is grounded. He is doing great on half days though and able to keep up with all his school work.

One benefit to having him on half days, is I get his homework done in the mornings and when Olivia comes home I can concentrate on just her. I thought I was making headway with her until this morning when she informed me that I do nothing for her. The whole fiasco started after I told her that she needs to brush her own hair. I guess that she forgot that I laid out her clothes, found her shoes and backpack, wrote a note to her teacher, and oh yeah....gave her life! So, she lost that argument. Maybe we will get this all out of the way before she is a teenager, and then it will be smooth sailing....yeah, that's how it works!

Everyone else is doing great. Lena should get her glasses on Friday, so if you know her give her a compliment (thanks). Emily and Melody have just been a joy this week, and have been trying to help with packing. And the hubby is working 68 hours this week, so I am yet again a single parent....

Well, that is all for today....have a good one!


  1. Rebekah made a comment kind of like Olivia's the other day..."I have to do EVERYTHING!" Oh, really? We had a nice little talk after that one!

  2. I remember having my own meltdowns when the kids were teens! LOL It is so easy to find the world on my shoulders when I didn't feel so good about myselve.
    We think there are too many chores, that we have enough. Nice to give some of that responsibility to someone we know can, and does handle it. Just need some confirmation that we do do alot and are doing well. We can handle this one more thing. At least, that is what my melt downs showed me.
    Have a wonderful day! Lists are good. Your moving stress will be a distant memory soon and you will be enjoying the new life!

  3. KiKi tells me that alot. Then I tell her she can go to work to earn her share of the groceries, rent, and utilities, and that she'l also have to buy her own stuff. Then she'll have to do her own laundry, clean her room and cook her meals. She usually changes her mind then!!!!!
