Monday, October 11, 2010

Is this Monday?

So, being a stay at home Mom, I am not one to complain about Monday's. But today.....well,I see now what the rest of the world is talking about.

We have tons to do and it seems like the never ending sick kid cycle will ever end. We managed to get Lena off to school, and Olivia is doing well today, but they sent Tobey home already today, because he picked at a sore under his nose and he bled all over their wooden puzzles. So, he will be home for a while....he is sooo lucky that he is cute!

I am not sure how to get everything done, including meetings with new teachers in between a ton of appointments and well, kids that can't go to school.

So, here is my plan of action....I bought a notebook to write down everything I need to get out of my head. So, in my head I am juggling Dr. appointments, sick kids, moving, money to move, Christmas coming up, yet another neighbor confrontation, Edwin and Tobey's new quirks for the week, it is endless.

I have this fantasy , and trust me I am not delusional, I know that it is just a fantasy. Of having this "normal" life when we move. I know that a new house is not going to fix Autism or finances or turn us into this perfect family. I do know that realistically it will help with some things. No lead, more space, no close neighbors, everything works in the new house, and I know that things will be easier least I hope.

We had an great day at Church yesterday, I got to volunteer at both morning services and that was fun getting to see kids that I normally don't get to. I did however take a nap, while Eddie watched the Colt's win, before we went to the evening service. Reverend Sam (look what I called you!) always has great sermons, I have never drove away from Church and said " Well, that was an OK sermon.". They have always had something in them that changes me for the better. But yesterday's was one that I needed to hear. It was about God's promises and how he always answers prayer, but in his own time and in his own way. It actually got me excited about facing the week, and not dreading it....the stress will not defeat us. " Go Towanda!!!!!". Fried Green Tomatoes reference, sorry......I love that movie.

So, since I am known for my love of reality TV, I figured I would update you on some current events.....
  • Sig is coming back to Deadliest Catch, thank you Discovery Channel...I have faith in you again.
  • The Hillstrand brothers are coming back, not a fan of theirs, so whatever!
  • Cody Lundin will be back for a second season, again I would like to thank Discovery Channel and God for answering that prayer.
  • I have nothing to say about American Idol, they are dead to me.
  • NEW SHOW!!!! The Sister Wives, a great show about polygamy. I already love Big Love on HBO, so this is the real thing. There are times when the kids get me so worn down, I wish Eddie would check in to that....haha, I am joking here, but....well, I will go on.
  • This is the last season of Little People, Big World....kinda sad. I will now have to focus on The Little Couple....there is also a show with little people and animals on Animal Planet, but that previews really creep me out!

Well, that is all for today! I hope you have a great one!

1 comment:

  1. New neighbor confrontation? You will have to tell me about that one!
    I am glad that you have a new outlook on things!
