Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I give up....

I hear this from a lot of people all the time, like on Facebook or just in a conversation. I know the feeling that can get you there...were you feel like no matter which way you turn, you make a wrong turn and you are facing the wrong direction.

Yesterday for me was one of those days I just wanted to say those fateful words, and it was over something stupid that was not life altering. But I finally felt a surge of relief because Tobey is feeling better and going back to school on Thursday and Edwin has had 2 fabulous days of school in a row.....and I felt like "Hey, look at this! No problems at school!", look how "normal" we are. Until....I opened Olivia's backpack, and there was 3 notes in there about Olivia's behavior. One from the teacher ( no biggie), one from the nurse (again, no biggie) But the last one was from the librarian....(really?!?!?!?!?), so that was a first.

Olivia is an amazing kid, she is smart, funny, loving. I am jealous of her hair color, and for the most part a pretty good kid. So, Monday I am off to Darden for another conference ( I have actually lost count already this year). I know my daughter and I know what the problem is. And, it is my fault. The kid needs more attention and I am one person, who is trying to juggle schedules for 9, trying to protect a child who can't do much for himself, deal with a teenager, have fun with 2 toddlers, teach Edwin how to become a real boy, and help a pre- tween through that awkward phase. All, the while I need to start packing in between the 1000 appointments we have! So, yeah...the easy out would be to say "I GIVE UP!!!!". Is it going to do me any good? Nope. Is it going to put me in a better mind set to conquer the obstacles of life? Nope. So, giving up is not an option. It never has been, it will get me no where.

We had 2 eye Dr. appointments yesterday for Lena and Tobey Jude. Are you interested in how you do an eye exam for a kid who doesn't talk? It was not easy! They pretty much just checked the health of his eyes, which looked great except for the eye infection, which they think is allergies now. So he goes back in 2 weeks. Lena though, is getting GLASSES! And, she is super excited about them. She will be sporting them in 7 to 10 days. We knew it was coming, Eddie's eyes are horrible. He is near-sighted in 1 eye, and far-sighted in the other. All of our kids are going to be wearing glasses, I can already tell. Like we need more things to make us stick out. haha

So, I am off for another day of fun! And then come home to get everything done as quick as I can so I can try and become Mother of the Year in Olivia's eyes! Have a good one....


  1. You are already mother of the year to her. Sometimes it just takes a few years to show. Keep doing what you are doing, loving all you can on all you can!
    It will be worth it one day and the stories will be so much fun to relive. They really are funny later in life!

  2. Hey, I will take her one Friday afternoon when you pick up the other two. I think she might have fun with Virginia and Rebekah. Maybe we should plan a night out with Olivia, Rebekah and the two of us! How fun would that be! I know that she wants to spend the night so maybe we should just arrange it!
    And I agree with Kris, you are Mom of the to her and all the others!
