Friday, October 15, 2010

Dairy Queen with the Holstein's....

First off do you see how clever the title is? Holstein's are dairy cows...hahaha, get it? Anyway I will continue on. I know that I am a dork...

We got some news that the new house won't be ready until Thanksgiving, so we have a few more weeks to move, which may not be a bad thing. So, we thought since we haven't taken the kids out for ice cream we would treat the crew...this is how a 15 minute car trip went.

We constantly bicker over the radio, if I had my way it would be non-stop Beatles, Eddie likes Rage Against the Machine, Alison and Lena like anything that U93 you can see the problem. After 5 minutes of wanting to pull out my hair we switched to the Christian channel, and Edwin who is also a metal head was not happy started yelling at the top of his lungs. Lena then said the line of the night..."Jesus wants you to shut the heck up and listen!", nice....We then arrived at the golden gate, or Dairy Queen to the normal people who don't have 7 kids, only to see that due to a ton of road construction it was nearly impossible to get in, after 5 minutes of circling Dairy Queen we made it to the drive thru ( we hardly go in restaurants, unless we have lost all sense of reality) and then we have 6 kids screaming their order, Tobey my darling boy is just spinning tires on his Matchbox car. Now here is the funny thing, they think they have a choice of ice cream, they don't. They will make a line of cars wait 10 minutes to make their we order the ice cream and head home. Again, Edwin starts screaming his head off...Can you guess why? Ice cream headache!!!! At this point I am nearly ready to bang my head into the dashboard, it has been a long day. I then quietly ask Eddie to humanely shoot me, which Lena heard. Lena knowing that no one has more shooting experience than Edwin tells him to shoot his Mother. Edwin has seen his Holy Grail, and it is in the shape of his finger shooting me, complete with reloading...

So, I had a first today....I ate Sushi....wasn't too bad. Not life changing by any means. I will probably have to go and get the number 5 from McDonald's, but I am trying to open my horizon's. Eddie is getting the kids ready for bed and then we are going to watch a scary movie together, I will have to hold Eddie's hand. He gets scared during these movies, which I find funny....Me? Nope. I am NEVER scared during these things, I honestly don't even flinch. I do however enjoy seeing everyone else jump. My Mother in her love of horror and gruesome flicks has made me immune to their effects and fake blood. But the gore is totally fun to watch...Is that twisted? Probably. (from the husband--You know what really scares her? me...naked)

I should probably not blog when Eddie is home....well I am off to spend time with the hubby on his only night off....have a good night, and watch a scary movie....I dare you!

1 comment:

  1. I hate to be scared. DO NOT BRING SCARY MOVIES TO FLORIDA!!!! Ed did get the 1st season (?) of I love Lucy though. I know you'd like that. I love you all.
