Friday, October 8, 2010


So today Tobey is running a temperature, Olivia is feeling clammy, and Lena is still the same....So, you can guess how fun my day is! We didn't even have to deal with the crazy eyed bus driver, so there is your silver lining.

I have a lunch date today, so that will be fun! And then back to the house to try and get everybody well enough for us to head out of town tomorrow and take my cats to my Dad's house and keep them safe for the move. My Dad turned 61 yesterday, and probably wouldn't be happy to know that I put that on my blog....but he doesn't have a computer. I love my Dad, but he may be the one person on Earth that is less techy than I am. And that is saying something. I love the relationship I have with him now. We talk almost daily, he tells me advice and then I hand the phone over to Eddie so they can battle out their issues with Notre Dame. Eddie is a fan, my Dad is a fan of whoever they are playing that week. If Notre Dame loses my Dad calls and sings the fight song, if Notre Dame wins....Eddie has it cued up on Rhapsody to play it for my Dad. It's funny because a few years ago they couldn't stand each other. But then Eddie started watching football, and well they are living happily ever after.

The kids although they may be sick are driving me nuts with Halloween already. So far the only on we have bought is Tobey's because the other kids have changed their mind like 30 times. Olivia is currently looking through a catalog and racking her brain about what she should be. She is currently considering a dead cheerleader, Ariel, bride, a pirate and now she is thinking very hard about being Silvermist. For you non-Tinkerbell movie fans, she is a water fairy and one of Tink's best friends. I am sure she will change her mind by noon.

When I was a kid I was almost always Elvira's daughter, my mother was always Elvira. I hated that stupid costume, my mother though was obviously a big fan of hers. But I wore what I had to so I could get candy. If you don't know who Elvira is, just YouTube her, personally I would like to forget her. I do however remember 1 year when I stayed with my grandparents and they took me to Hooks and bought me my fist real costume. I was Wonder woman! Does anyone else remember those plastic costumes that came in a box, and that mask you could not breathe in? And then because of the fine quality of the costume that band would break on the mask, and because of your mad dash to get candy the plastic costume became a plastic shredded mess. I am relieved that they stopped making those things, they were not the comfortable plush things that you see at Target now, that is for sure.

Well, I am off to take care of the sickies....have a good day.

1 comment:

  1. I remember thouse costumes. When you first put it on the mask stank and then later it was worse because it then started to smell like plasticAND SWEET. Yech. I wonder if that is whey I don't like even now to feel others breath on me-ever!!!!
