Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Yesterday part 2.....

When I left you yesterday things were relaxed as we were waiting to go to Edwin's appointment. And then he started screaming his head off!!! He started slamming his head into the table and yelling that his head hurt and then started throwing up so badly that he couldn't keep water down. Thank God, Terri who is like a little sister to me came over to help with taking the kids to the Dr. after seeing my Facebook post. After cleaning everyone up and giving Edwin a plastic bag in case he threw up on the way, we headed to Dr. Luzzi's. It was weird he would be calm one minute and just crazed the next. Now, the other kids which were perfect earlier in the day, decided to let all Hell break loose. I have never seen them act this way in public and I was so embarrassed. Lena decided not to help at all and read a magazine, Alison tried to play in a toy meant for a 2 year old, Edwin? Well that dude was just sick. Olivia hit Emily in the face with a ball, Tobey....Well if you know Tobey, he was everywhere! Emily like went bi-polar...laughing like a lunatic one minute and crying the next. And Melody, only wanted to play with the toy that Alison wouldn't leave alone....I have never seen all7 go postal like that! That was nuts....I am not sure if Terri wants to ever help again.

So, seeing that this was too much for just one adult to handle, I simply called Eddie and told him that he had to come home. I know my limits and I was at mine. Not only were they acting really bad, but if Edwin threw up water anymore or could not keep meds down or possible reactions to meds than he would have to go the ER. So, my dear husband came home, had to go to 2 different pharmacies, got lunch meat for dinner,,,I will be danged if I was going to cook! And headed home. We explained to the kids that after they eat to just go to their rooms early and we love them but leave us alone so we could take care of Edwin. That didn't work....At 9 pm we happily medicated the boys and settled down to finally relax only to realize that Tobey had no interest in sleeping even with all the meds that he is on to make him do so. I am writing this at 8:33 am and he has not fallen asleep yet!!! I am not sure whether to keep the little dude up until tonight or what.

Oh, I forgot to tell you what is wrong with Edwin...It is called Cat Scratch Disease, or Cat Scratch Fever. I like the fever one because it reminds me of the song. He got scratched on Monday night and was extremely ill by Tuesday afternoon. I had no idea that one scratch could do this, I am going to get him (the cat) declawed as soon as I can. Not fun.....

Well, that is all today to be honest I am simply exhausted, and I have tons to do... You know I was thinking they don't show this kind of stuff on Kate plus eight or 19 kids and counting.....Oh no, they show them going to amusement parks or everyone sitting down to dinner and happy. They need to show kids getting sick and teens acting up, it would be so much more know? Or maybe I am the only Mom in America who deals with this stuff....yeah that's it!!!

1 comment:

  1. No, your not the only mom and you no it. We talk all the time. The girls spent Monday night at a friends house. I called Dr Luzzi the day before yest because Kya refused to eat and still was not sleeping. She saw her at 8am on Tues. Then Kya saw the dentist. She had a sleep study last night so Dr Luzzi didn't want her on any meds for it. Needless to to say Kya is a mess today, and I am exhausted.
