Friday, June 11, 2010

The kids...

Yesterday I caught Emily jumping off the couch, I moved her to find her only seconds later jumping off the coffee table. I sternly told her to not jump off the table and she started jumping off the chair. At this point I simply asked her why she insisted on jumping off of all the furniture and she simply replied that she was Alice looking for the white rabbit! I just love that girl!!!

Tobey spoke his first sentence, ok it may not technically be a sentence but in my mind it is. He comes up to you and tickles you and says "I tickle". It is so cute, he did it to a book saleslady the other day though. I am thrilled that he is making progress and just keep praying that it continues.

Melody has decided that she is a cat, it's a little weird I know but if we play along and call her a cat she puts up no arguments on things that she usually doesn't like. We are probably screwing her up and it will be another therapy bill down the road, but for the time being she is picking up her toys and taking her bath with no complaint!

Lena, the teenager is literally giving me grey hair and I am 33. The other day she had such an attitude that even her Dad got on her about it. And he is the more laid back of the 2 of us. We did start having set computer times and she is enjoying that because the little kids aren't allowed to bug her.

Edwin has decided that I am allowed to call him pumpkin, which he is not in to the nickname thing. He is also decided that he only wants to eat mac and cheese this week, I am going to try and get a burger down him tonight but no promises.

Alison is still missing her teacher like crazy. She gets so attached to people and it breaks my heart to have to keep explaining to her that we move on sometimes. She is writing her teacher a letter today so I am in hopes that will help.

Olivia, that kid threw a new one at me the other day. Now if you remember she is not one to really be in the big family thing, she prefers quiet things and loves attention. So at Wal-mart the other day while getting diapers out of the baby section, out of the blue she says " So when am I getting another little sister?" In shock I said "Olivia you don't seem to care for the ones that you have." I then explained that Mommy and Daddy are just to tired to think about that again, enjoy the ones you got. I will probably get her a new doll and pray that it ends there.

So that is all on the Holstein front, looks like rain and I promised Lena I would watch Twilight with her if she read the book, not really expecting her to actually read it....a promise is a promise! Have a good one.

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