Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another one on Tobey Jude.....

Yes, I know that I am always talking about Tobey Jude, but I can't help it! He is an amazing little dude who is just such a blessing to me, I am honestly honored that he is my son. By the way this is how much I talk about Tobey, if you put Tobey Jude into Google, he is the top 9 spots. Yes, at the ripe age of 5 I have already exploited my son!

Going on.....Tobey's lead dropped to 20!!! He fell 4 points, which is awesome. To celebrate we ate food that he really shouldn't eat. Probably shouldn't have done that but he hasn't had fried chicken and fries for a little while. He has to have only baked things, and lots of dairy and organics, and low gluten. Doesn't leave a whole lot for the little dude to eat. He also weighs only 32 pounds and it is a little tough for him to gain weight on that healthy stuff.

I took all 7 to Wal-Mart by myself today. I am no saint, I honestly don't do that much...but they were absolutely great. The younger 6 were very pleased with each getting a $1 ball, and Lena was easily bribed with her own bottle of Dr. Pepper. I left Lena responsible for Melody and she pushed her around and I had Tobey and Melody in one of those carts which are to freaking hard to push. Alison had to hold Olivia's hand and Edwin held on to my cart. Now, I think that the people who seen this probably thought that I was mother of the year controlling this group. Little did they know that I was bribing them with things that they shouldn't have and I was a nervous wreck.

The kids are all camped in front of the TV watching really old cartoons. For some reason they find these awesome, I just find them a little creepy to be honest. Edwin is watching them in hopes to see some violence, I think that he is out of luck. If you don't believe me on the creepiness thing, rent Sesame Street Old School. There is even a disclaimer on it not to allow children to watch it. After watching them you will be amazed that you turned out "normal".

Edwin has a Dr. appointment today that I showed up for at the wrong time, a little frustrating I forgot that they changed the time. So, now I am in hopes that the kids will stay clean so I don't have to redress the crew before we go. I am also hoping that she can give me some advice on how to keep Edwin from trying to shoot me and how to control him when he is wanting to hit me, I am praying that she has an ideas that doesn't involve medication. It seems like that is becoming the stand by answer for everything.

Well, that is all for today...have a good one!

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