Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Today I am totally taking advantage of having a large family and giving Olivia on up a chore list. We have to clean out the fridge, mop the kitchen and dining room, vacuum upstairs and down, dishes and about 6 loads of laundry. It is currently around 9:30 so I am being a nice Mom and letting the teenager sleep in before I work her to death as she would say. Our cat BUC decided to run up our fireplace and he is in need of a real bath....that will be fun!

I don't have a whole lot to report on so I guess that I will tell you about our cat BUC. His name is actually an acronym for Butt Ugly Cat, well now we say Beautifully Underestimated Cat. When we got him he was the ugliest cat that you have ever laid your eyes on. I am talking infected cysts all over his bald body, black teeth and extremely malnourished. My Grandmother Betty, who was not the nicest lady said that if we didn't take him she would give him rat poison. My husband who is not a fan of cats said I can have him if he got to name him, hence the BUC man was ours. My Dad paid for all of his vet bills, and we loved him like crazy and low and behold he became the best cat we have ever have. He has saved atleast one life and kept Edwin from going to the ER.

We had this neighbor named Jack who devoted his life to taking care of his mother, when she died it was not one of those peaceful deaths and this haunted Jack daily. Jack unbeknown to us had decided that he was going to kill himself by hanging himself in his garage. When he went out to his garage to hang himself BUC was there and wanting food ( Jack always gave him treats) so instead of going to the garage he got BUC a treat and instead sat on his porch and told BUC his troubles. This went on daily for almost a month. Me, not knowing the extent of the problem kept joking around with Jack saying that we needed to figure out joint custody, because I missed my cat. Well, Jack got over that hurdle and the last I heard he is doing great and now has a girlfriend even!

The other time that BUC was a hero was when Edwin being a 3 year old fell off the couch and BUC ran underneath him to take the brunt of the hit, so Edwin didn't hit a hardwood floor with his head. Poor BUC even came away injured.

BUC is getting up there in years and now instead of saving lives, he mainly just sits on our porch not allowing strangers to pet him and sleeps with the kids if they are sick. They call him Dr. BUC and he always seems to know before we do. He is currently sitting next to me, his orange fur covered in soot and helping me watch the kids. He deserves his retirement years, unfortunately my kids especially Tobey don't give him much peace.

Eddie had a double header last night and lost both games, I have honestly stopped keeping score. He said it was a moral victory, so I am assuming that they lost by quite a bit. He does enjoy it, so I guess it is not about the win.....but I keep hoping that maybe he will win just one game. A young wife from our Church introduced herself to me last night, she said that she has been wanting to talk to me since Ed and I told our story. She was a huge help last night with all the kids and Tobey didn't seem to scare her off. She offered to come and help out I am thinking about maybe having her babysit next month and then maybe doing like a weekly thing if she's up for it....we'll see. I told her that I would friend her on Facebook, and come to find out that I was already her friend. It's all about numbers, baby! Speaking of facebook, my husband who teases me incessantly about the Golden Girl's became friends with Betty White ( I am still waiting) for a guy that can't stand the show, that is odd behavior! I am just saying....I think he is in the closet about it.

Well, it is time to wake the beast, I mean uhmmmm Lena. Have a great one!


  1. Are you ready for the next round of storms to go through? They were saying it may be big today.

  2. I hear the thunder now, Lorinda....Aep better be on the ball if my electricty goes off again!
