Thursday, June 3, 2010

Blog envy...

Every now and then I kinda go through other people's blogs and see how creative and artsy they are and then I come back to mine and it seems so boring. So, I am going to see if my darling husband can make mine a little bit more blingy, I am going to go out on a limb and say that "blingy" is a word. I am so non- techy (again I say that is also a word) that honestly I didn't send off my first e-mail until last year. I am also so bad at typing that my typing teacher Mr. Perry in high school asked me not to tell any one that he taught me how to type. Ironically, I do enjoy doing a blog.

The remote was found!!!! But we all went through major with drawl. We are all obsessed with TV at this house, am I proud of it? No, but at least I can admit that I do have a problem.

Tobey is on a new drug and it is really a hoot to watch him. He keeps doing like this slow weird dancing and making odd noises. I know that this will probably make me sound like a bad parent but me and the 5 girls just sat on the couch and watched him dance, it was really entertaining....almost as good as TV. He has been more verbal today and not quite as manic, so that has been a blessing. Thank you drugs.

Lena, Alison and Olivia are cleaning their rooms for fear of being grounded and Edwin is taking a nap so it is kinda quiet around here for all of them being home, I like that.

Eddie called me today and told me that Rue Mclannahan died, I think that I spelled that wrong. I an so obsessed with that show it broke my heart a little. My favorite though, Betty White is still kicking. Isn't it weird how much it affects you when someone that you have never met, they don't even know that you exist, pass on. I remember when Michael Jackson died that one really got me.

In the spirit of Golden Girls here is a story....Next March we are going to Disney with Ed and Lorinda' s family. Me, liking to find the quirky stuff thought there just HAS to be a Golden Girl's museum. I mean iconic show, based in Florida, we are going to Florida this is a sign that I am to find this museum. So, I googled away and there it was, a newspaper article from the Miami paper that this museum had opened up a week earlier. I yelled to Eddie look what I found!!! Clicked on to the article nearly jumping out of my seat and low and behold it is a Golden Girl's porn museum!!!! I can't explain the disappointment. So when we go I will just have to explain to the kids that they all have to say that they are 18. Haha, that was a joke about going, just so we are clear! They are in talks of actually making a real one, they just need to be complete by March. Otherwise, Eddie will have to take pictures of Lorinda and I in long nightgowns and robes out on the "lanai".

Well, that is all today have a good one!!


  1. You are too funny! Check out to bling your blog!

  2. We may have to do that anyway. We can put the older girls in robes also. I love it!!!!!!

  3. For all of you who don't know about us going to Florida here is something. My husband's name is Ed. Melissa husbuand is Eddy, they have a son named Edwin, we have a really good friend going and his name is , you get ot, Ed. We call him Uncle Ed. The only male left out is poor Tobey. Maybe it's more of Yeah Tobey.
