Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Back on....

Hello again, long time no see! I don't usually blog on the weekends and blogger was down for 2 days so here I am. I was kinda going through with drawl but with more time to devote to farm- ville my fields look great!

We had a great weekend which is a little weird to talk about on Wednesday, but that's life. First on Friday we went strawberry picking with my dear friend Lorinda and her 3 precious daughters, we had a great time even though I sat on a strawberry. Olivia left with them for a sleepover leaving us with only 6 kids, I know you are probably saying to yourself only 6? Anyway, with the weather being perfect, not real hot, great breeze and the sun shining....I casually said to Eddie this would be a great day to go to Indiana Beach. I didn't mean that we actually go, I really don't like spontaneous trips with a large family, they always end badly. Well, Eddie said no, we are going! So we ran home to pack and go to their website for the best deals. After 6 you get a reduced rate and this sounded perfect, the boys don't really care for the crowds so off we went. After a long car ride, that they all did great with. we arrived at the park. As we walked in they were playing happy trails, which is not a good sign at Indiana Beach. After talking to the nice lady at Pronto Dog we were informed that they are not open after 6 until after Father's Day. This info was NOT on the website. With 6 disappointed kids we asked them where they wanted to go and they said Joe's Crab Shack which is one of my favorite restaurants but it is in Merriville! Accepting that they night would be ruined if we didn't do something fun we headed there. We did have a great time at Joe's and the kids were happy. We put the kids in pajamas and headed home and got to South Bend at 12:30 am! I went right to bed and reluctantly set the alarm clock for 5:30 so I could get up to volunteer for Sunburst.

On Saturday morning (early morning) I headed down the road to help out with Sunburst. This is my second year that I got to help and I really look forward to it all year. My neighbor being the captain asked me to help, and trying to keep from getting kicked out of the area for our lack of yard work, agreed to do it. I never thought I would actually enjoy it. It is such a positive experience and even though I have no desire to run, let me repeat that...NO DESIRE! I really admire those that do and they are all so appreciative that you are there. This one guy kept yelling at me to just slash him, I kept yelling that I had Gatorade, finally getting tired of yelling it I doused him in Gatorade. At first he looked stunned and then yelled to me that he didn't want Gatorade on him. I tried to warn him, for all I knew he may have had a thing for Gatorade. After I got done with Sunburst I came home and took a nap. Eddie did enjoy pointing out to me and anyone who called that I was tired from helping out at the marathon even though I was not a runner....

On Sunday we had a great time at Church and we were both in Kids Kanyon! I just love all the kids in my class and a little heartbroken that some are "graduating" next month, so is life. We then got to go to a Graduation party for a great friend Andy and got to see some old friends from my Target days. I kinda miss working still but I don't miss the stress and not seeing the kids.

So that was the weekend and all this week I am meeting with organizations to get info for the support group, so that is all in our world! See you tomorrow!

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