Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Rainy Ordinary Day.....

Today I woke up to the alarm clock and not Tobey Jude, not near as nice. Because of me trying to fit too much in a weeknight we ate dinner at 10pm, not my proudest moment. After settling the crew in at 10:30 Eddie and I stayed up to clean until midnight. I think that I will simply have to stop planning stuff on weeknights, and I missed Deadliest Catch (not a good thing).

Shelton Farms was fun though, Wal-Mart got cancelled. Not worth the battle! We did get all the meat that we stocked up on packed and dated only to realize that the kids unplugged our freezer ARGHHH!

Lorinda is taking Olivia out today, which Olivia really needs that. It is not easy for her to be stuck in between the boys, also her personality is that of an only child and it is hard being the middle kid for her. She relishes one on one time and crafts and gardening...somethings that I don't always have time for. So thank you Lorinda, I know that I will have a happier daughter tonight!

The kids lost the comcast remote and I am close to losing my mind! We are stuck on Cartoon Network!! The kids are happy though. All is well and good as long as I find it before the Bold and the Beautiful.

Well, that is all here today it is pretty boring which is GREAT. So, have a great day and don't get wet.


  1. Right this minute all the girls are out riding the bikes and scooters. It's good for my girls also because there are now an even am't of kids. Livie is so funny though. She and Katie went running into Katies room and Livie says "We're just playing inour room" I think I now have a 4th child!!!! To bad we don't have an extra bed!!!!

  2. I will send one over! So glad that she is having such a great time, thanks again! Melissa
