Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Holstein's week in review.....

Ok, Ok....I am sorry that I have deserted you for so long my dear readers. But, I have a valid reason (excuse...)! We have been insanely busy!!!

So here was our week!

Monday-We go to look at a house, only to be disappointed that it is WAY too small for a family of 9... we come home disappointed to the point of tears, and on the phone there is a message to go and see another house. After doing a drive-by we know that this is the house for us! We tell the landlord that we want it and we will move in around the first of the year.

Tuesday I talked to my friend Sarah and explained that we have found the house, it is going to work for us, but we need to wait a few weeks until we can move in because of finances. On Tuesday night I prayed to God to get us out of this house because of all of it's issues....heat, lead, no stove, name it.

On Wednesday I got a message from Sarah asking me how much we needed and after giving her the amount....which was a lot....she told me that she was going to do everything she could to get us out of here ASAP.

On Thursday our Church gave us a check to cover all of our moving expenses and we will be in our home on Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it? I serve an amazing God and I go to an amazing Church. I am still in shock that our family has people that love us so much, we are not worthy.....

On Friday we had a great Precious Stones party and signed all the paperwork for our new home.

Saturday, we took the kids to the live Nativity at Church and didn't even get the kids out of the car. We then drove them around to see lights, but I think they mainly watched TV....yes I got one on Black Friday....I know, I know...I said that I didn't want one. I am going to put it on record that those TVs are the best invention since, well...TV!

And now, here it is Sunday night. I am still in shock how things turned out. I probably shouldn't be, because that is how our God works. We are FINALLY getting out of this home, and words cannot express how grateful I am. I feel like George Bailey at the end of the best movie of all time, I am part of the most awesome family in the world...I am honored that I have such amazing people in my life.

I will blog more tomorrow, I am tired from Kids Kanyon and the 7 I have....see you later!


    Wednesday won't come soon enuf!

  2. aw, that made me cry this morning. How amazing! Sorry I didn't even get a chance to talk to you yesterday at church. So excited that you will be in your new house for Christmas! Where is it?!
