Tuesday, December 21, 2010


My kids LOVE vegetables...I don't know what made this miracle happen....but they actually have fought over who gets the most Brussel sprouts. I know...weird. Anyway, the whole crew loves them except for Edwin. So the other day he asked me for a salad, after pinching myself and realizing that this wasn't a dream, I made the boy a salad. He then wanted seconds....what in the world is going on here? Does he have some sort of brain injury? He then after putting his plate in the sink (what?) went into his bedroom and looked at himself in the mirror, shirt off and flexing his muscles. He then told himself to get stronger. And then it hit us....he was reenacting The Regular Show. It is on Cartoon Network and to be honest I frankly think the show is stupid, but it got him to eat a salad when there is no one in the Memorial Health network ever could. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart Mordecai and Rigby....I owe you one! And to the countless nutritionists that have worked with Edwin....watch more TV!

Today we are getting my piano over to this house....Eddie is so happy with me that I insist on dragging a piano with me everywhere when I can only play 1 song. Can I help it that the one item in the world that helps me remember my Grandma weighs 900 pounds? Sorry big guy...I am keeping the piano so get over it!

Well, sorry it is so short today I need to get the house clean for the in-laws....have a good one!


  1. We love Regular Show in our house! We often walk around saying "Dude...." and "Yayaaaa". :) I wish my husband had the eating habits of your children, and I will teach you a second song if you want another to add to your repertoire. :) And pianos are absolutely legitimate and important things to own. Everyone should have at least one..... so sayeth the piano teacher. ;)

  2. Dear Lindsey,
    "using the power in your face....sending you back to your place!"
