Monday, December 13, 2010

2 more days.....

Only 2 more days until we are official residents of 1701 Rerick Drive! So today we are going to finish all the packing and try to get Nipsco to turn on the utilities (we paid the deposit at an unauthorized dealer, big mistake). The new house is what they call a tri-level and it is a color of green that can only be described as a green banana hue. We have 4 bedrooms and a huge fenced in back yard and a 2 car garage. The house also has all working appliances and a new efficiency furnace, I am in heaven! The house is also on a corner lot and there is a park on both sides of the perfect is that? And, to top it off we are only 5 minutes away from a theatre that has movies for Autistic families, and all the glories of Grape Road....while living in a quiet area with no Notre Dame traffic! Seriously, God had this one picked out for us!!!!!!! I could not have found a better one myself.

Ok, so on to other things than the magnificence of our green "mansion".....The Precious Stones Christmas Party was awesome! We had a decent turnout, great cookies, and 3 new families show up! The Santa we had was great, and the helpers....oh, the helpers, they were the nicest kids you could ever ask for. The highlight of the night for me was Greg, he was 26 and has not got to see Santa for years....he was so excited that Santa was coming. While waiting for Santa's big arrival I asked him where do you think he is? He replied "the sky!". Do you want to know what he wants for Christmas? Pots, he wants pots so he can cook with his Mom....he just learned how to make eggs. By the way, he was so excited about Santa he could not even get the words out! All he could say was "Ho, Ho". He also made an ornament, his Mom told me that she is now going to have to put the tree up. Heck yes you will, where is Santa supposed to put the pans? Great night, made all the work worth it!

So, I know with all this cheerful news, you probably are asking....Could there be anymore good things happening to the Holstein's? Why yes, there is! Break out the Kleenex, I'll wait..................................Tobey Jude said those three magical words that every mother dreams about hearing her child say to her from the moment they are born. Tobey told me " I of you". He loves his Mama, I was in tears.....I am getting choked up now just seeing it in type. I mean, I know he loves me. But to hear it? Wow!!!!! I never thought I would hear it, I dreamed it....but this my friend was no dream. Just a dream come true. I love you Tobey Jude, thank you for the best early Christmas you could have ever gave me. Geez, I got mushy there....I digress.

So, before this starts sounding like a Hallmark movie...I will stop.


  1. Oh, so wonderful, Melissa! And by my calculations, the kids will stay at current school, is that right?? Another praise!

  2. I have been told that they will go to Swanson, except for Tobey (life skills), but we are going to see if they can after the until then we will be doing some driving...I LOVE Darden, so I am hoping!

  3. They won't leave the kids together? We have a lot of kids at McKinley who are in LifeSkills who have siblings who attend McKinley even though the homeschool is not McKinley, because McKinley is the LifeSkills homeschool. did that make sense? They even bus them. They have to bus Tobey anyway, they would all ride the same bus to Darden. I would be asking for them to stay at Darden.

  4. not that swanson is bad, mind you, but if you can get them to stay at the same school, it's better for the kids, most of the time.
