Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas at the Holstein's home....

Well Christmas 2010 was a success, the kids are happy, the house is nearly back to normal and I am not a fan of the Lego company anymore....I mean really how many freaking pieces do you need?

On Christmas Eve we woke up at 4 and went to Meijers to finish shopping before the crowds hit and then we came home to get our baking done. The kids opened up their Bernie gifts before Church this time and they had a hard time waiting to put on their new pajamas. After a nice service at Church we came home and decorated cupcakes for Jesus' birthday (which the kids LOVED!) and we read them The Night Before Christmas and Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus, we looked up Santa on the Norad Santa Tracker and then laid out cookies and milk and wrote the letter and threw reindeer food out the front door. And then for some unknown reason Eddie and I were exhausted (go figure) and we meant to only take a nap, before all the Santa prep. But, we both fell sound asleep and then I woke up in a panic at 1 in the morning because nothing was done. Most of the gifts were not wrapped, stockings laid there empty and we stayed up until almost 4 finishing up. The kids then woke us up at 6!

The kids loved everything they got....and Edwin got his precious Mighty Beanz....I thought he was going to cry. Lena's favorite gift was an art set, Alison was a Paper Jamz guitar, Olivia's was her baby doll. Tobey's was a steering wheel that launches cars, Emily's was a Belle doll that won't shut up (ever) and Melody's was a baby doll. We then all ate our breakfast casserole and I started our Christmas dinner.

All in all we had a great day that was really laid back and just so happy to be in our new home. I made Eddie watch Sing Off on Demand with me and he acted like he didn't like it, but he really did. The group I wanted to win came in second but hey that's life.

I thought I would share our Breakfast Casserole recipe since I had some questions about it on Facebook. I apologize ahead of time because I am not one to really cook with measurements, so here we go. And also this is the most unhealthiest thing on Earth, which is why I only make it once a year.

Christmas Morning Breakfast
20 pieces of bread buttered on both sides and then cubed up
1 pound of bulk sausage
10 eggs
4 cups of mild cheddar cheese
1 can of Cream of mushroom soup
salt and pepper

So, the biggest pain is the buttering of the bread, messy and takes forever. I simply let Emily do this part and she did great. While Emily buttered bread I fried up the sausage ( I like Bob Evans sage one) and then added the cream of mushroom soup to the sausage and thinned it out with a little milk. I then took 10 eggs ( In know, heart attack) and broke them up and mixed them with about a cup of milk and added salt and pepper. Emily is still working on bread but starting to complain.

I then cubed up the bread (about 9 bite size pieces per piece of bread) and put half of them in a 9 x 13 buttered cake pan. Then take the sausage mixture and put it over the bread and then add the rest of the bread on top. Then you take the egg mixture and pour it over all the bread and sausage. You them throw on all the cheese and cover it and place in the fridge all night.

The next morning you put it in a 350' oven with the foil still on for 40 minutes and then take the foil off for another 20 and that is it. Extremely easy if you aren't the one buttering the bread and it tastes awesome.

So if you guys like that one I will give out my recipe for my Apple Sausage stuffing which is so good Eddie has told me it is why we are still married. Hope you are enjoying your Sunday. besides everyone having colds we are enjoying ours. Later.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you woke up!

    And I'm here to assuage your worries about eggs...

    Now, the cheese, sausage, and cream of mushroom soup? You're on your own, there. But 10 eggs in a whole casserole? Good for you, really. :)
