Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Eddie and I are obsessed with The Office, in my opinion it is the best show on TV since The Golden Girls(yes I love them, Dorothy is my favorite). Anyway, on The Office they showed an interned sensation called Parkour. It is simply getting from point a to point b the craziest way you can.

We decided to institute this into our home on a nightly basis. I don't know about other kids but mine have this insane amount of energy right before bed. So we yell "Parkour" and just go nuts! Eddie usually tries to do some crazy stunt with the banister but I have yet to see it completed. He is attempting something, I don't know what though. Oh, that is husband Eddie. Lena doesn't usually participate, I think that she thinks we are all nuts, ahh teenage years. Alison usually jumps on the couch. Edwin usually stares at us, occasionally running. Olivia is usually laughing too hard to do much. Now Tobey, this boy takes this to a whole new level. He jumps everywhere and runs in circles, and here is the magical thing, if we end it to soon ... he says Parkour. It is the best sound in the world. Emily loves to yell out what everyone is doing. And Melody being the youngest has to be in a safe place and just jumps! If we ever get company at this time, we have a lot of explaining to do.

I spent a long time doing what I thought that everyone else thought I should do. I won't do that anymore. I have realized that God has made me into a unique individual and if I want googly eyes on my plants or run around my house like a mad person, or teach the kids about the Beatles like it was a subject in school, I will. The past year of my life has been the life that I always dreamed it would be, I took that chance. I have met celebrities an d people that should be (namely my pastor, who is the best). I have opened myself up, which is not the way I was raised and realized it is not scary but amazing the world we live in. I have never been as excited about a new year as I am this one!

Now it has been pointed out to me that I focus a lot of this blog on my Tobey Jude (aka the Monkey). There is a reason for this. I literally nearly died having Tobey, and I remember after I recovered I said that he better be the healthiest boy in the world. Everything was fine until he stopped progressing, and then for the 2nd time in our life we heard a Dr. say your son has Autism. Heartbroken is not a good enough word, there are no words. But this time the Autism was far more severe, and we just had to watch him reverse. And then you get used to it, and seizures start, and then aversion to water and then self injury. There is not a moment that Tobey is home that I can be ion a different room, it literally takes 30 seconds for something to happen, and than you can end up with an hours long meltdown. Because I spend so much time with him, I know him better than anyone, and that has made us even closer than I am with the rest of the crew. So I love them all the same, but he is just attached to me all the time.

Well that is all today, this is Emily and Melody's time for Mommy to themselves. I hope everyone has a great day.

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