Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tobey Jude, cont.....

Tobey has had several days in a row that he has been talking, now we have a couple of days a month that we get some speech, but we are on day3 and it is awesome! I almost hate to put it into print, I don't want to jinx it! I am not having conversations with him, but he is answering questions and singing songs. It is really seeming like a dream come true, I don't want to lose this, I am scared to miss any moment, terrified that he may stop. He amazes me everyday! I know that we will never be able to walk out of this haze of Autism. I am ok with that, it is the path we have been given.

The rest of the crew is doing awesome as well. Lena is doing well and totally obsessed with CSI. Alison is really liking having cable finally and is pushing for piano lessons. Edwin had his first cooking class at Hannah and Friends, he really enjoyed it. Thanks Lorrinda. Olivia is becoming quite the young lady and loves helping me out with cooking. Emily is cracking me up everyday, she is a nut. And Melody is doing a great job of taking care of her large family of dolls. I totally see her having a large family also!

The husband is working a 72 hour week, I assume that he is doing well, I only see him for an hour a day. We are planning to take the kids to Chicago or Indy next week to give all of us a much needed break. I do have to put out there in cyberland, how much I appreciate my husband working so hard to support our family and allowing me to stay home with the kids! I love you big guy!

If I don't get on again this week , I hope everybody has a great weekend!

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