Monday, February 22, 2010

My Tobey Jude

Tobey had a wonderful night last night and I just had to share. I asked him if we had his teacher over for dinner, what should we have? He started naming off, apples, pie, cookies and cereal. I just sat there amazed, not wanting to do anything to stop him! He amazes me, I know how hard it is for him to talk, to make those connections, and he is getting it! He got a talking machine (thanks to our church) last January, and it took the pressure off for him to talk. Awesome! Then Eddie and I was playing Beatles Rock Band, and he started attempting to sing with it! I was tearing up so much I got a bad score on singing. I just love when the Dr's are proven wrong!

Today I am taking Edwin for immunizations, so that will be fun. He is however enjoying how quiet the house is, and acting very well behaved, we will see how he is at 2! He and Tobey both got haircuts on Saturday and he keeps rubbing his head, funny. I do not however like Tobey's haircut! My theory is ... his middle name is from a Beatles song, and he should have long hair. The school and my husband disagreed, so now he looks like he should be in the military, John Lennon would not approve! Eddie kept saying that he looked like Celine Dion's son, it was not that bad. I told him I was going to cut Emily's hair and he had a cow, double standards if I have ever seen them!

I think that we are going to take the whole crew to the farmers market on Sunday, my kids just love that kind of stuff, Olivia especially... she is so in her element when it comes to baking and fresh veggies. I am going to attempt a garden with her this spring. I have a long history of killing plants though! Ironic, because my grandma Frances owned a garden shop and that was my first job. No joke I bought a hyacinth on Friday and it is almost ready to end up in death row. I will not give up on the gardening, there will just be a ton of casualties. If anyone has hints I am open!

Well, I have appointments and all the weekend work to catch up on, have a great Monday!


  1. Wonderful memories of the garden shop and Grandma Frances..Thanks for mentioning that feels good to go back

  2. I take care of plants for a living if you need help I'm here for you
